⊳ 𝐱𝐯𝐢. Stupid Feelings

Start from the beginning

Especially with how nosy she was being. It totally wasn't the time. "Yep. No one else," Toni nodded, lying to her friend even though she felt a little guilt for it. It was justified, she had her reasons to keep this to herself, but she just hated keeping things from her friends.

It was easy keeping Peter's secret because it wasn't hers to tell, and saying a word about it could ruin his secret identity and everything, which totally wasn't what she wanted, but this? This was her own secret. She was the only one not saying anything, only one keeping it to protect herself, and all she wanted was for Sabrina and Atlas to know. Not Harry, obviously not him, but them.

But not if Sabrina was going to keep being a Nosy Nancy. And maybe she did get a little satisfaction when Sabrina huffed in defeat, pouting because her attempt to get something out of Toni failed. They got to Sabrina's locker and the girl opened it as Toni looked out at the other people in the hallway.

Of course, Harry was walking down there as well, arm still wrapped around Mary Jane, which totally did not infuriate her. "Hey, Toni," he said when he noticed her, and shit. This was not what she wanted at all.

"What?" she demanded, because that was her go-to and seemed like a good idea. What else was she supposed to say to someone she called her enemy? Hello? No, that totally wouldn't work.

Harry didn't even have the decency to look annoyed at her, which was so much worse. He wasn't playing by her game anymore and it was so fucking annoying because maybe if he did then stupid feeling wouldn't be filling her insides.

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "So rude," she shook her head in Toni's direction before turning to Harry and Mary Jane, offering them a smile, "Hey! How are you guys!"

"We're good," Mary Jane answered, taking herself away from Harry's grasp finally and Toni felt herself become less tense, though she tried not to show it.

"That's good! Are you guys excited for Homecoming?" Sabrina asked, always the fan favorite and nice girl everyone loved.

"Totally," Mary Jane answered before looking at Harry, "I'm going with Johnny, but Harry here still doesn't have a date."

"What a coincidence, neither does Toni," Sabrina smiled brightly, looking at her.

"Dances aren't really my thing," Toni said before anyone could offer anything else, "Still don't know if I'm going at all."

Sabrina frowned. "You have to go. After everything I am putting into this dance you are going and that is final!"

"Then I'll probably go with Atlas or Colton," Toni shrugged, "There, problem solved for me."

"I heard that Atlas was thinking of taking someone else," Mary Jane said.

"And Colton's already bringing Mona," Sabrina finished, and it was so obvious this was all planned and Toni hated it, "So problem not solved for you."

Toni shrugged. "Then I'll go alone. Problem's still solved. I don't need a date to a dance to have fun, I can go myself. I'm sure that Harry can do the same or he can pay a model to go with him," she glanced at Harry, who was staring at her and laughing when she said the bit about the model, "Come on, Sabrina, I'm hungry."

She then pulled her friend away from the other two, heading in the direction of the cafeteria. "Well that was rude," Sabrina told her, "We were having a nice conversation and then you made us leave. I was having a great time."

"You can talk to them later, but I wanna get some food otherwise I'll be more of a massive bitch," Toni said.

"You're not a bitch," Sabrina frowned, "Although sometimes you are mean, like back there with Mary Jane and Harry. They weren't doing anything wrong."

"Good for them, still hungry," Toni quipped back, not wanting to talk about anything to do with Harry. God, couldn't Sabrina just leave her alone and her figure this out without pulling anything?

Now she totally wasn't going to tell Sabrina about her crush, and that was the first person she wanted to talk to! Maybe she could tell Atlas...but he was also kind of a hit or miss right now and she was little angry at him still. That left Finn, who wasn't someone she really wanted to know about everything, but he was better than her two best friends at the moment, so he'd have to do.

At least he wouldn't be able to plague her every moment of every day about it and force her into more awkward positions to be near him like Sabrina was doing, and at least he wasn't keeping stuff from her and making her mad even though she kind of did the same thing. She'd get over everything with Atlas soon, but she needed that fury to hold onto for a bit, and it wasn't like he was reaching out to fix anything.

So yeah...she would tell Finn. And not Sabrina or Atlas, and definitely not Harry, and then she would deal with it with Finn and force it to go away. That's exactly what was going to happen. Nothing else. Feelings really just weren't for her.

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