"Damn, you hit your head pretty bad." Anthony said looking at the mark on her head applying ice to it. Candy was stocking Kate's fridge when she turned laughing, "You should've let the shopping cart hit the car." Anthony laughed and continued applying ice to Kate's forehead making Candy glared and mumble, "Glad you care about someone Anthony." He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Really, Candy? I'm not in the mood for your shit right now."

"Since when do you want me around! All you do is go flirt with other women!"

"Says you who throws herself at every guy to get my attention!"

"Go suck it, Anthony!"

"You suck it every night-" She scoffed grabbing her car keys storming out of the apartment letting the door close with a loud bang. He rolled his eyes standing up grabbing his jacket saying, "Sorry, Kate. She hasn't been herself lately. She keeps getting mad at me." Kate nodded smiling and he made his way out of the apartment. She could hear them yelling at each other in the parking lot and she rolled her eyes, trudging into her bedroom.

"Hey! I'm glad you made it..." John smiled, stepping aside letting Kate enter. She held a brown grocery bag in her hand and she sighed "I brought some snacks for you guys..." Flea smiled taking the bag from her walking into the kitchen. She hung her jacket and purse on the hook and walked into the living room to see Candy sitting in Anthony's lap with her arms crossed and a frown on her face. He was lightly caressing her thigh and whispering to her, trying to make her smile. She rolled her eyes standing up walking into the bathroom slamming the door shut. Anthony looked at Kate shrugging.

She sat on the grey love seat running her fingers through her hair. "What happened to your head?" Chad asked pointing at the bruise making John run up and hold her head lightly running his finger over the bruise. "Oh. I fell when I went grocery shopping." She laughed. Chad smiled at her and looked at Flea and Anthony. She raised a brow and Candy came out of the bathroom sitting down next to her.

"So...We didn't call you two here just for the movie!" Anthony smiled. The two girls sat there confused. Flea jumped up exclaiming, "We finished half of the album! We want you guys to listen to it!" Kate gasped saying "You guys, that's great! Play it!" Candy was less moody and nodded. Chad fumbled with the CD and hit the play button.

After half the album played Kate sat there looking at the ground. "Well?" Anthony smiled. The brunette looked up saying "Holy shit. That was amazing! Every song is so unique! I really like the song power of equality, and suck my kiss!" They all nodded mumbling thank you to her. Kate heard sniffling and turned to her best friend who was crying. "I'm sorry, Anthony. Your working so hard and I've been acting like a bitch. I've just been so scared lately."

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm a week late on my period." Candy cried. It got dead silent. Kate turned to Candy and went to say something when she got up running outside. Anthony followed and Kate went to go with him when Flea said "It's not worth it Kat." She sighed putting her hands to her sides.

It was uncomfortable silence and Kate clapped her hands together standing up and giving Flea, Chad, and John an individual hug. "I really mean it when I say good job." She smiled picking up the CD. "Thank you. It means a lot." Chad replied. "Just think it's gonna be played everywhere!" She squealed jumping up and down making John blush. "You all wanna watch the movie?" Flea asked and everyone replied "Hell Yeah!"

Kate sat on the couch leaning against Johns chest watching the movie. Throughout the movie Chad fell asleep first, then Flea. The two were left alone watching the movie. She felt his fingers run through her hair and she looked back smiling at him. "Hey..."He whispered. "Hey." she replied back sitting up facing him. He watched her face, and lips quiver. He noticed her eyes started getting glossy and he pulled her into his chest as she sobbed. She wrapped her hands around the back off his neck and she felt her tears staining his shirt. He hushed her and slowly rubbed her back.
"I'm scared for Candy." She cried. "She always told me she never wanted kids. I hate seeing her like that." He rubbed his fingers through  her hair listening to her speak.

"Have you ever been late on your period? Like does it do that?" John asked.

"I think so. I don't really keep track of it that much."

"Don't you have to?"

"No." She laughed pulling away wiping her tears. "Thanks, John that made me feel better."
He laughed wiping her hair out of her face. "I liked your solo during funky monks." She smiled and he laughed "Really? This reporter who was watching us record the song was giving me shit about it the other day!" She joined him laughing. He stood up grabbing her hand walking up the stairs. They stood in the bathroom staring up in the gap on the ceiling.

"So this is where she lives?" Kate asked.

"Yeah. That's what we were told. This guy Rick who helps manage says he saw her fly up in here." Kate smirked jumping on the bathroom counter standing up.

"Kate, no! Are you actually gonna look in there? She'll possess you!" 

"Your actually scared aren't you?" She laughed turning to him. He shrugged. She stood up on her tippy toes and looked around in the attic for a ghost. She screamed when she felt a hand touch her leg and she jumped down into Johns arms. "You prick! That was you!" She laughed as he was laughing with tears streaming down his face. She sat on the sink looking up. "Can you imagine if I actually saw her?" She chuckled looking at him. He was staring at her with his lips slightly apart. She stared into his eyes and he ran his fingers through his hair stuttering, "I'm gonna kiss you now..." She nodded and he leaned in softly pressing his lips against hers. There make out session was interrupted by Flea banging on the door yelling "Kate! Candy's in the hospital! Anthony's with her right now. It's an emergency-"Kate looked up at John.

"What's wrong with her! Is she okay?" She frantically said running up to Anthony. He ran his fingers through his hair and said "The doctors said she was doing better." Chad asked "What happened?" Anthony looked down and said "She ate a weed brownie." It got silent. Kate's hand turned into fists at her sides and she snapped "She ate a fucking weed brownie?"

"Yeah. She thought it would calm her nerves down but after she ate one she said she wasn't feeling well so I took her here." They were interrupted by a nurse coming out saying "Mr.Kiedis? Your girlfriends okay. She's awake now if you wanna come see her." He nodded as the nurse walked away and he said to Kate, "You coming in?" Kate shook her head no and she grabbed Johns hand snapping "She made me drive here for a fucking weed brownie. Tell her to get her damn act together because I'm tired of cleaning her messes up for her." She pulled John along with her speed walking out of the hospital. She slammed the car door and immediately started the car, speeding down the highway. John noticed she had no seatbelt on. He slowly put his hand on her thigh calming her down. They pulled into the driveway of the mansion and once she stepped out of the car she crumbled to the ground.

She was sobbing into her hands, while her body was shaking. John walked to the other side of the car picking her up and placing her on his shoulder. She melted into him hugging his body. They reached his room upstairs and she cried, "Can I stay the night? She'll probably visit my apartment..." John placed her on the bed wiping her tears nodding "Yes." He handed her a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. She slumped into the bathroom changing. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her wavy brunette hair was frizzy. Her eyes were red from all the crying she had done. She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. John was setting up a space for him to sleep on the floor and she softly said "I don't care if you sleep next to me." He nodded tossing the pillows back onto the the bed. Her tiny body crawled underneath the covers, sighing as her head hit the pillow. John turned the light off climbing into the bed. Throughout the night John constantly heard her sniffling and saw her body shake. He was annoyed. Candy had once again, left Kate a mess. He was also annoyed at Anthony. How could he let her do that? He asked himself staring at the ceiling. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard her stifle a cry. He poked her back making her turn facing him. He opened his arms and she scooted into him placing her face in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in closer breathing into her hair. He liked Kate. He had never felt this way about any girl before. Sure he had dated other girls in the past, but she was different. She sighed looking up, her face stained with tears saying, "I'm sorry. I'm so broken." He chuckled looking down at her saying, "That's what glue is made for."

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now