Ben 10: Season 1 Episode 2: Washington B.C

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A boy and a mother traps in a burning apartment)Young Boy: (shuts his eyes as the ceiling collapses then opens again when nothing happened and finds Heatblast) Who are you?Heatblast: (holds the burning section from the ceiling) I'm here to help. (absorbs flames around and lead the people to the stairs) This way. (stairs collapse) Uh, on the second thought. (referring to a window) That way.(Heatblast saves the boy and his mother, people let out awed gasps)Heatblast: (to people) I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, but really it's all on a days work for- (looks at cards in boy's hands) No way! A gold Sumo Slammer Card! (to boy) Where'd you get it? I've been searching all over for thatYoung Boy: It was a prize inside a box of Sumo Smack Cereal. (Honks; Heatblast irritatingly looks at RV with Max and Gwen inside.)Gwen: Yo, super doofus! The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. The bad guys are getting away!Heatblast: (looks at the cards again then to Gwen) Uh, I knew that.

(Max chases the robber's car)Max: (sniffs something burning) Knew I should have got those asbestos seat covers when I had the chance.Heatblast: Sorry Grandpa. I can't help it. I'm hot.Gwen: (blasts Heatblast with fire extinguisher) Ten super heroes on that stupid watch and you pick the one with the flaming butt?!Heatblast: Jealous?(Gwen makes a look and sprays Heatblast's arm with the fire extinguisher)(Heatblast shoots a ball of fire towards the car and hits the below)Heatblast: Strike!(Robber #1 screams)(The robbers' car crashes into a wall)Heatblast: (to the robbers; bends a car door) Unless you punks want a permanent sunburn, hands against the wall. You punks picked the wrong day to be bad- (transforms back into Ben)Ben: Guys.Robber #1: Huh? What? Hey, it's just a kid! Get the jewels!Ben: (realizing he's back to normal; sirens are heard in the background) Wow. Time sure flies when you're having fun. I've decided to let you guys off with a warning this time. (the police arrive)Police Officer: Freeze!Ben: They're all yours, officers. I know you all want to thank me, but-Police Officer: Step aside, son. This isn't playtime.Ben: Playtime? I'm the one who captured them! It's not fair! I'm the hero! Oh, man...(Roger knocks at a door)Roger: Yo! Animo! I know you're in there! Open up! (goes inside and looks around) Phew! Smells like a zoo in here!(Roger startles seeing Animo behind)Dr. Animo: (angrily) How did you get in?Roger: (fixes the tie) Pass key. I am still your landlord, remember? Maybe not, since your rent is six months pass due.Dr. Animo: All my funds go into my research. Now get out! You're disturbing me.Roger: (looks around) Hmm. Looks like you were disturbed long before I got here, pal. Listen, doc, you and your furry friends are out on a street unless you pony up the green.Dr. Animo: (smirks) Pony up... (picks up a frog) Interesting choice of phrases... You must be an animal lover. Then you gonna love this. (wears Transmodulator)Roger: (laughs) What's that? You a member of the moose lodge or something?Dr. Animo: This is my Transmodulator. Phase number 1: it creates and accelerates mutations at the genetic level. Observe. (activates the Transmodulator, changing the frog into a giant version of itself, Roger screams as the frog eats him) I'm sorry. I can't hear you. It sounds like you have a frog in your throat. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Or is that the other way around? (continues to laugh, and the frog spit out Roger; Roger moans and passes out.) So close to having what is rightfully mine. All I need is a few lousy components to finish my work.TV Announcer: So whether you're in need from hair spray to state-of-the-art electronics, you'll find them under one roof at the grand opening of the district's newest Mega Mart.Dr. Animo: Ah, just what the doctor ordered.(Ben finds a cereal with Sumo Slammer cards inside)Ben: Sumo Slammer cards, cool! (grins)(Max picks up a canned octopus)Max: Only canned octopus? I thought this store prided itself on wide selection.Gwen: Uh, Grandpa, no offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once? You know, once that doesn't involve stir-fried tentacles?Max: Nonsense. Now where do you suppose they keep the sheep's bladders?Gwen: (hears Omnitrix activated) Ben?(Gwen walks into the cereal aisle to find all the boxes opened, finds Grey Matter digging through one of them)Grey Matter: Oh, man, another red card.Gwen: (grabbing Grey Matter) Gotcha. What are you doing?Grey Matter: Uh, looking for the gold Sumo Slammer card. Duh!Gwen: You're supposed to use your powers to help people, not find some stupid trading card.Store Manager: (clears throat; Gwen hides Grey Matter behind her) Just what do you think you're doing, young lady?Gwen: It wasn't me. It was my doofus cousin.Store Manager: Well, someone is going to have to pay for all this.(Gwen grunts)(Max looks at a bunch of cereals)Max: So, why are we buying all of this cereal?Ben: Well, we would have only had to buy the one that I found the gold Sumo Slammer card in if Gwen hadn't butted in with her big butt.Gwen: Hello, you were trashing the whole cereal aisle just to find some stupid piece of cardboard.Max: Ben, now I can appreciate how much this card means to you, but don't you think you're getting a little obsessed?Ben: Maybe you're right, Grandpa. I don't deserve a gold Sumo Slammer card. (sarcastically) I mean, it's not like I rescued a bunch of people from a burning building or anything like that.Gwen: Superhero guilt: pretty low.Ben: Hey, whatever it takes.(Ben sees a Sumo Slammer card display)Ben: Huh? Yeah! (walks over to display) Cool. Sumo Slammer cards; a complete set.Max: Let's check out the pet department.Gwen: (walking with Grandpa Max) Please tell me you aren't looking for our breakfast.(Ben keeps staring at a display)Ben: Someday you'll be all mine.(Ben looks at the giant frog)Ben: Whoa. (looking Animo getting down from the frog and stealing) Hey, what do you think you're doing? (giant frog uses its tongue to knock boxes on top of Ben)Dr. Animo: Don't be a hero, kid. Just run along and play.Ben: (looks at uncharged Omnitrix) You are so lucky I can't go hero.Sec. Guard #1: Freeze!Sec. Guard #2: (bewilderedly) Get down off that giant... frog and put your hands up. (to walkie-talkie as Dr. Animo rides away on frog) Uh, we got a grab-and-dash in Electronics. Male, five-foot-six, riding on a giant frog or a toad. Trust me, you can't miss him.(Dr. Animo mutates a hamster and a parrot)Dr. Animo: Arise to your full potential, my pets!(Gwen and Max scream and run away from the hamster)Ben: (seeing the hamster chasing Gwen and Max) Oh, man. What kind of pet food are they selling around here?Act 2 (Dr. Animo shows his mutated animals)Dr. Animo: Behold the genius of Dr. Animo. Nothing can stop me from getting what I deserve. Mark my words, today I will make history, or should I say...pre-history.Gwen: (to Ben looking at uncharged Omnitrix) If you didn't go cereal diving, one of those heroes could be saving us from becoming hamster chow. (gasps as the hamster takes a step forward)(Ben, Gwen and Max scream and run away from the mutated hamster)Ben: (sees Max and Gwen cornered and finds a nearby motor scooter) I don't need to go hero to stop an overgrown fur-ball.(Ben defeats the mutated hamster)Gwen and Max: Ben!Ben: Uh-huh! That's right! Not even giant hamsters can mess with Ben Tennyson!Employee: (over intercom) Cleanup aisle six.Dr. Animo: (to Ben) Young fool, you cannot stop me! I will turn Washington D.C. into Washington B.C. (runs away on a mutated parrot)Store Manager: (to Ben) You saved the store. If there's anything I can do to repay you, anything you want.Ben: (peeks at a gold Sumo Slammer card and grins) Well, now that you mention it... (Max drags Ben away)Grandpa, I was finally gonna score the gold Sumo Slammer card!Max: No time for that now, Ben. We have a giant parrot to follow.(Gwen sneers)(Max chases Dr. Animo)Max: (reminding something) Ah, just like the good old days before I retired.Gwen: So, exactly, what kind of plumber were you, Grandpa?Max: Uh, a darn good one. (to Ben) Ben, what's the matter?Ben: I save an entire Mega Mart from being a giant hamster's chew toy, and what do I get? Nothing. It's not fair.Max: Being a hero isn't about others knowing you did something good, it's about YOU knowing you did something good. Being a hero is its own reward.Ben: What? Were you reading the greeting cards at the Mega Mart?Max: Well, yes.Gwen: (gasps) Bingo! Five years ago, Dr. Animo was a promising researcher in veterinary science. But it turned out he was doing all these twisted genetic experiments where he was mutating animals, and when he didn't win some big prize called the Verities Award, he flipped out. (to Ben) Anything about this sound familiar, Ben?Max: (losing the parrot) We've lost him. He could be going anywhere in Washington D.C.Gwen: Or Washington B.C.Ben: (gasps) That's it! I know where he's going: the Natural History Museum.(Ben finds a giant feather at the museum)Max: Something tells me we're on the right track. Good thinking, Ben.Gwen: Guess even a doofus can surprise you once in a while.Ben: And you should know.(The Tennysons find Dr. Animo)Dr. Animo: (to Tennysons) You are very persistent. I hate persistent.Ben: We all know about you and your freakazoid experiments, Dr. Animo. It's over.Dr. Animo: Oh, but it's only just begun. See, I only needed a few components to push my work into phase 2: The re-animation of dormant cells.Ben: (confused) Uh, does this guy come with subtitles?Dr. Animo: Breathing life back into that which has been long since lifeless. Observe. (re-animates mammoth)Behold the genius that is Dr. Animo. (runs away)Gwen: Now would be a really good time to go hero?Ben: No duh. You guys get Animo, I'll take care of Jumbo.(Ben transforms into Four Arms)Four Arms: Let's wrestle.(Gwen beats up the giant parrot)Gwen Tennyson: Ben's not the only one with skills.(The Mammoth throws Four Arms away)Four Arms: YOU are going down, peanuts. (defeats mammoth) Ohh... I think I'm gonna hurl...(Dr. Animo flees with T-rex)Dr. Animo: I'd love to stay but I need to claim the award I so richly deserve.(Parrot comes; Gwen gasps and screams)Max: (calls Ben) Ben!(Four Arms grabs the parrot)Four Arms: No bye-bye for you. (falls to ground and transforms back to Ben)Ben: (looking at Gwen) Gwen!Act 3 Max: (drives up) Somebody call for a taxi?(The parrot carries Gwen)Gwen: (dourly while being carried off by mutated parrot) "Spend a summer with your grandpa, honey. It'll be an adventure."(T-rex crushes a building)Dr. Animo: Ah, I do love my work.(Gwen is hanged by the giant parrot and reaches for her cell phone)Gwen: Well, my mom said only use in an emergency. (short pause) I guess this qualifies.(Ben looks for the mutated parrot)Ben: (to Max) No sign of beak-breath.Max: There can't be that many places for a parrot the size of an elephant to roost. (hands over a paper to Ben) Here. look at what Dr. Animo left behind.Ben: (reads the paper) Dr. Kelly accepts Verities Award. (to Grandpa Max) He's gonna finally pick up his award! We gotta stop him!Max: First things first. We have to find your cousin. (phone rings; Gwen's name is on the phone)Ben and Max: Gwen!Max: (to Gwen on cellphone) Hang on, Gwen. We're coming.(The mutated parrot leaves Gwen on the top of the monument)Gwen: I can't hold on much longer. (drops cellphone)(Max sees Gwen's cellphone hitting the ground)Max: Oh, no. Gwen will be next.Ben: (seeing the Omnitrix recharged) Not if I can help it. It's hero time!(Ben transforms to Stinkfly)Stinkfly: (Gwen falls and screams; Stinkfly grabs her) Gotcha!Gwen: (surprised) Huh? (looks at Stinkfly) Butterfly!Stinkfly: (looks at her) Stinkfly.Gwen: Yeah, whatever. Anyway, thanks for the save. (sees giant parrot and gasps) Incoming!Stinkfly: Hang on!(Gwen yelps riding on Stinkfly's back)Stinkfly: Whoa! (to giant parrot) Watch the nails there, Polly!Gwen: (riding on Stinkfly's back) Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick.Stinkfly: Spew on me, and you'd better learn to fly quick.(Max is exhausted from walking up the Washington Monument)Max Like it would have killed the founding fathers to install an elevator.(Stinkfly sees Max in a monument)Stinkfly: (to Gwen) I can't shake cracker-breath. You're gonna have to trust me.Gwen: Trust you?(Gwen screams as Stinkfly drops her off from his back then grabs her, flying towards the Washington Monument)Max: (to Gwen) Come to grandpa.Stinkfly: (brings Gwen into Max's arm) Now!(Stinkfly beats up the mutant parrot)Max: Go! Stop Animo. We're all right.Gwen: Speak for yourself.(Dr. Kelly shows his reward to the tour group)Dr. Kelly: And here is my Verities Award. Of course, it was an honor just to be nominated with a distinguished group of scientists.(Dr. Animo and T-rex invade to Dr. Kelly's company)Dr. Animo: (to Dr. Kelly) Kelly! I believe you have something of mine. (jumps down and grabs the Verities Award) I'd like to thank the committee for this honor.(Stinkfly sees a gold Sumo Slammer card in a pile of rubble)Stinkfly: Whoa, I struck Sumo Slammer gold!Dr. Kelly: Somebody help me! (screams as the T-rex tries to eat him)Stinkfly: (looks at gold Sumo Slammer card) Oh, man! This hero stuff ain't easy.(Dr. Kelly screams while falling towards T-rex's mouth but saved by Stinkfly)Dr. Animo: What are you, you little pest?Stinkfly: I'm Stinkfly, and I'm here to kick some tail.(Dr. Animo drops the award)Dr. Animo: No! (Stinkfly steals Transmodulator) My Transmodulator! (Stinkfly breaks Transmodulator and T-rex leaves bones) No...! No...! No!(The mutant parrot turns back to normal size and perches on Gwen's arm)Gwen: Don't even try to kiss up to me now.(The police arrests Dr. Animo)Dr. Animo: Let me go! I deserve that award! I've got it coming to me! I want it!Ben: (seeing Dr. Animo) For some reason, that sounds kinda familiar.(The Rust Bucket leaves Washington B.C.)Ben: I didn't get that gold Sumo Slammer card, but at least I snagged a trophy from of Animo. (places part of Transmodulator in a box) Plus, I guess saving the city from Dr. Whacko was its own reward.Gwen: (sincerely) Don't forget you saved me, too. Thanks.Ben: Yeah, well, that's what we heroes do best: Rescue dweebs.Gwen: You are SUCH a major doofus.Ben: I know you are, but what am I? (giggles)

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