Part 2

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Ali had in no way appreciated just how drained Dec was until the jet landed in their new location and he didn't even stir. At that point, Ali decided she wasn't even going to attempt to get Dec off the plane and to their hotel for the night- so instead they slept the whole night in the plane, which ended up sitting in a warehouse.

To be fair to them both, they'd only boarded the plane at 1 in the morning, having come from the end of series party after the live finals, but the pair only woke up at 2 oclock in the afternoon. Ali woke first and blinked her eyes open to see her beautiful husband fast asleep, his lips slightly parted as he snored quietly. His hand was still resting on her stomach, and it spread a warm feeling through her body. But suddenly, she felt a little poke in her stomach. At first, she thought it was Dec, but he was out like a log, and when she felt it again she was sure. Their baby kicking! Scared to move, she woke Dec with a single forceful elbow to the side. He groaned, but Ali immediately grabbed his hand pressing it into her belly- and told him to feel it. And there it was again. Dec was suddenly wide awake, and his eyes lit up looking first at the bump- then to Ali. "I love you both so much!" Ali had truly never seen him so happy, and replied echoing the sentiment.

"Right we need to get going mister" Ali slapped him lightly as she jumped out of bed, after the baby had settled down once again. "Someone's got a surprise for you!" Dec furrowed his brows at Ali, as he slowly began to crawl out of bed himself. "You're getting nothing more out of me though mister!" Ali added, knowing Dec had more questions.

"Can you at least tell me what country, what continent I'm in?" Dec held his hands together pleadingly, giving his wife a pouty look.

"Noppee, that's for me to know and you to find out" Ali said smugly again seeing how it annoyed Dec and smiling. "But I can tell you, you gotta dress smart- but I packed for you so that shouldn't be a problem!"


"Is this really necessary Ali?" Dec looked roughly in Ali's direction, but not completely sure as to where his wife was. He blinked his eyes but that didn't help at all since they were wrapped tightly under a blindfold.

"Not long now Deccy." Was all Ali replied with, as the car drew up a stony driveway before coming to a final halt. She walked round to Dec's door and opened it taking his hands. She couldn't help but giggle at Dec's face, his tongue sticking out slightly in concentration to keep his balance. "Hurry up Dec you can still walk with your eyes closed!"

"Oi! Maybe it's because I don't trust you, for all I know you're going to push me in the sea!" Dec retorted as they snailed their way under a doorway.

"Okay stop here... You can take your blindfold off in 3...2...1"


Dec whipped his blindfold off and jumped at the noise of at least 50 people screaming at him. Everyone was there; his family, and all the extended parts of it too; his closest school friends; and even all the BGT people, Simon, Amanda, Alesha ,David and Stephen (who all looked a little worse for wear after the wrap party). There was a big banner hanging from one wall to another which read 'Thankyou Dec'. He felt the tears brimming in his eyes as everyone was cheering and clapping him.

Then Dec realised that he recognised the room they were all gathered in. He knew exactly where he was in the world (Portugal, if you were wondering), and stood on his tiptoes looking for the one person he knew must be here. And then out of the corner of his eye, he saw the face he'd missed so much this past week. Without a second thought, Dec ran at him and wrapped his arms around him, causing them both the stumble backwards

"I missed you so much!" Dec squealed into his ear, as he squeezed a little tighter.

"I missed you too Deccy!"

Ant's strong hold took away all the pressure that had built up on Dec's shoulders. The floodgates open, and Dec sobbed with happiness, breathing in Ant's familiar scent.

Eventually, Ant pulled Dec away from him, Ants own eyes shining with tears.

"This is for you Dec's, for being so strong and amazing this week- thankyou!" Ants voice cracked a little, but he managed to keep himself together.

"Is this all your doing?" Dec asked Ant grinning, staring into his green brown eyes.

"Aye, I had a bit of help though!" Ant nodded towards Ali and then Simon. Simon then took it upon himself to start chanting 'speech, speech, speech' and Dec had to laugh, wiping his eyes as he prepared to address the room- filled with all the people who meant the world to him.

"Aha...erm wow! I really wasn't expecting this! Umm... it means so much that you all are here. And I'd like to say thanks to Ant and everyone for kidnapping me yesterday!" That earned him a laugh from the room. " But I I only did this for my friend, who means the world to me, and thankyou everyone for putting up with my grumpy self this week!" Ant wrapped an arm around his shoulder in support and Dec continued. "I really appreciate you all making the journey here, and let's have a great night!" Everyone applauded and then they did just that- had a great night.


By 3:30 AM the following morning all the guests had retired to their own hotel rooms, so just Ali, Ant and Dec were left in Ant's villa. They were all sprawled on the sofa, Ali spooning Dec from behind, as Ant and Dec caught up with each other. After about ten minutes Ant nodded towards Ali, and Dec curled round to see her fast asleep next to him.

"Are you getting excited bout the baby? Not long now." Ant whispered in a hushed tone, so as not to disturb Ali.

"Oh mate we can't wait... I could do with your hand building the cot though."

"I'm surprised Ali would let you loose with a screwdriver after the incident of 2014?" Ant joked, referring to a time Dec had managed to stab himself in the hand with a screwdriver while putting up shelves. It had been an attempt to show off his manhood in the early stages of his relationship with Ali- but in fact had had to opposite effect, after he passed out seeing the blood.

"That was the problem, I was trying to use one of them ... oh what are the called Dave keys?" Ant burst out laughing at his absurd best friend. Boy, had he missed him.

"You mean Alan key?" Ant replied once he had got his breath back.

"Yeh that... but er it turns out you can't put a screw in using an Alan key." This made them both crack up, and then the room fell into companionable silence.

As the boys sat their reminiscing, Dec felt a little poke in his back and instantly felt the connection knowing what it was. "Ant , Ant give me your hand!" Dec whispered quietly but urgently as he gently adjusted his position so as not to disturb Ali. He looked expectantly at Ant who had a very confused look engraved on his face. So, Dec just snatched his hand, and delicately placed it on Ali's bump. Ant's face lit up and his smile was so big it threatened to break free of the confines of his face.

"Wow, Declan that's your kid!"

"I kna, it's just mad init!"

"Aye" Ant nodded, and Dec noticed a single tear escape his eye. Dec knew that for Ant there was a tinge of sadness, Ant desperately wanted kids but hadn't ever managed to conceive, and now they'd divorced...

"Hey, me and Ali did have something to ask you though" Ant looked up at Dec again, and Dec suddenly got very excited to tell him. "We were gonna ask you together, but I mean we sort of are now, so we were both wondering... would you be the baby's godfather?"

Ant responded by throwing his arms round Dec, which Dec took to be a yes, while he made a large effort to not fall onto his sleeping wife, with Ants body weight having been launched upon him. "woah easyyy" Dec whispered and Ant leaned off a little.

Settling back down into the sofa Ant said something to Dec neither man would ever forget. "I will do my best for you kid, you know that? No more of this... I'm getting better for the little one."

"I know Ant, I wouldn't ask you if I didn't think you'd be the perfect role model." The boys smiled at each other, both ecstatically happy, before bedding down, soon joining Ali in sleep.

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