Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Ajad rode beside Cheyenne his horse was covered in paint and battle scars much like his rider. She listened as he told of how Aes has been since she has been gone. It seems her father has been searching for her this past year regretting his decision to cast her out of the clan. She cast her pale eyes downward still ashamed of herself.

"And Logan, did you see him on your visit also?" She asked in their own language. He had plagued Cheyenne's mind since she left. Ajad looked at her expression somber usually that name angered him; he had long ago confessed his love for her and the battle he would wage with Logan for her hand.

"He is betrothed set to marry Winter, and soon I believe." Cheyenne clenched her jaw holding back tears the love of her life was set to marry another. This was all her fault while she was away while she was trying to choose between Ajad and Logan she had lost her chance all together. Ajad laid his hand on her shoulder soothingly making her look him in the eye.

           "I know this is when I am supposed to tell you that this was meant to happen that we were always meant to be, but I know that you loved him the same if not more than me." he whispered softly his coal grey eyes the softest she had ever seen. he was right the whole time she had been gone she never had Ajad passed her mind it was always Logan but now he was gone. She shook his hand from her shoulder resting her hand on her mother’s bow. She refused to show even Ajad her weakness to let him in to let him see her cry.

"Maybe you are right." she almost choked on her words. She closed her eyes controlling her emotions.

"Do not do this to me again Cheyenne I know you love him, but I am hopelessly in love with you it hurts me to see you hurt. Do not shut me out again it will kill me if I have to lose you all over again." he touched her hand and she did not pull away this time. He laced his fingers in hers. "let me be here for you. let me in, I love you." he whispered the last three words his accent becoming thicker it seemed the quieter he got. "I love you." he said again this time louder and in their shared native language. She looked over at him tears welling up in her pale sea green eyes.

“Thank you.” She said softly her voice cracking. Her vision was blurred momentarily until she sucked in a shaky breath and whipped them with her hand. She turned her head back to the trail but gripped Ajad’s hand still. He did not push it he just let those words hover between them. He could hear the people behind them whispering about them but he chose to ignore them for they knew nothing of him or Cheyenne.

They continued to blaze on, their path was almost nonexistent; most could not travel through Fæ land especially not those who were not clans men. So the path they followed was not very worn into the forest floor. The horses had an increasingly difficult time getting through the underbrush the father they got into the clans people land. It would not take half the day to get to the edge of Aes land, but to get the village it may take two or more days if not more depending on how frequently they stopped and for how long.

The light of the noon high sun cast long mincing shadows on the ground before them and the leaves whispered on the wind floating toward the ground before resting upon the others that feel before it. It was long time before Cheyenne released his hand and took both hands on Whisper’s reigns. The big mare was afraid of only one thing and the deeper they got the darker it got she would need both hands to reign her in. She silently hoped the other horses behaved themselves even if Whisper spooked. Ajad’s horse Koba was a sort of a friend to Whisper and as he sensed her uneasiness he whinnied softly to her and moved in close to steady her. She snorted back flaring her black nostrils.

“Be careful, there are many creatures on the ground to spook the horses.” Cheyenne called back to her friends in English.  Ember’s stallion pulled up right behind her.

“What sort of creatures?” Ember asked with freight in her eyes but curiosity in her voice.

“Those that slither and those that creep.” Ajad responded in his slanty accent. “This is what my father told me when I was young warning me not venture into these woods.” He continued softly keeping his eyes in front of him.

“Oh…but these woods are safe to travel through right?” Ember asked in a whisper. Cheyenne turned to her as much as she could in Whisper’s saddle.

“Oh do not worry about me and Ajad have both been through these woods hundreds of times.” She turned to Ajad and he smiled nodding still not taking his eyes off the trees in front of them. His coal gray eyes looked almost silver in the faint light. She had to smile to turning her head before he noticed. Ember nodded and continued gripping her stallions reigns. Nero and Rayne were very quiet there at the back and Cheyenne was hoping they weren’t also frightened. Whisper snorted slowing to a stop tossing her mane. Cheyenne patted her neck, whispering sweet words to her. “It will be alright girl, only a little longer in the dark come on.” She touched her leg to her side usually that was all it would take. The mare took a few steps then stamped on the ground. Cheyenne looked back at the others as she slid down from the saddle.

“From here we go on foot.” Ajad said firmly also dropping from his big, dark chestnut stallion’s back. He knew of Whisper’s fear of darkness. Cheyenne nodded showing her thanks.

She grabbed Whisper’s bit pulling her face in very close to her own, the mare did not shy away she had been Cheyenne's since she was born they were soul mates. They had come together in such a strange way and this only made their bond stronger.  She rubbed the mare’s forehead and kissed her nose earning a soft whinny.

“Come on Whisper we have to be strong for me. You and me together like always. Soon we shall be home and I will need you just as much as you need me right now.” The horses crystal blue eyes shut then opened and Cheyenne smiled and knew she understood her. “I am  going to walk you through this,” the horse snorted and Cheyenne kissed her on the nose again and grabbed the reins hanging under Whisper’s chin. Usually all she would have to do was walk and Whisper would follow but in the darkness she needed to be led. She looked at the others and they nodded for their readiness. Ajad took the lead Koba followed behind him without him even touching his horse or leading it. Cheyenne followed after him Ember and her young stallion behind her then Rayne and Nero took up the back whispering to each other in the darkness occasionally.

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