Chapter 7

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Rayne hated the darkness here. The sunlight was starved by the thick branches that were woven so tightly above her. She had never been in a place like this. It was a dark depressing place. She lowered her head and cast her eyes this way and that, not sure where exactly they were or how far they had come. It was impossible to gauge time in this place.

Rayne tried very hard to keep calm, Nero placed his hand on her knee and that helped her nerves a little. Her horse did not seem very happy to be here either; it took sheer willpower for her to stay in line behind Ember and not turn around and gallop out of the creepy forest. Soon the sun spilled over her as they came to a small clearing. The trees thinned beyond the clearing and she grinned thankfully.

Rayne watched as Cheyenne dropped from her horse's back and pulled off her knife belt and hung her bow on the horn of Whisper's saddle. Rayne tilted her head confused as Cheyenne covered her mouth with her hand and gave three shrill calls that she could not hope to ever mimic. Whisper kicked at the ground with nervous energy. The others took her example and disarmed themselves, dropping into the grass. The last blade had just left Nero's hand as warriors converged on them.

They were dressed in leather armor and all had distinct face masks carved from wood. The biggest man, seeming to be the leader of the warriors, wore no mask. He approached the group with a bunch of feathers woven in his long dark dreadlocks. Dried blue paint covered his ears and made lines down his face. His eyes were coal gray and unwavering.

"Uy, who has called on us?"

The man had a strange slant in his words like English wasn't his language of choice. Cheyenne stepped forward pressing her fingers to her forehead then her lips. A greeting she remembered from her Aunt's cottage.

"I daughter of Corrin have called upon you, to ask you a favor." She inclined her head not in fear but in respect, Rayne figured. He looked upon her and his steely gaze softened a little.

"Then tell me Cheyenne Corrindottir heir to the wilds, what favor do you ask of me?" He walked toward her, touching his fingers to his forehead then his lips as they touched hands.

"I ask safe passage through your land, so that I may make it home in due time." Their gazes met and from the man's gaze she could tell he could not say no to her. The way his hand lingered on hers, she knew this man fancied Cheyenne.

"Very well, you may have it. I will accompany you." His gaze lingered on Cheyenne's then turned on Rayne. "But outsiders are forbidden, especially savages like these." Ember snorted and Nero growled softly beside Rayne.

"We are not the savages. You are the savages. Look at you and the masks you wear to hide your face." He spat at the man. "You have no honor." The man gave a mighty roar and Cheyenne's hand pressed to his chest.

"You know nothing of honor. You stole our land and took our woman as your servants." He hissed rage in his coal gray eyes and something else some personal hurt. He was more animal at the moment than man.

"This is our land-"

The man pushed against Cheyenne but she held firm. Her sea green gaze burned into the warrior.

"Who was here first, thousands and thousands of years before your kind." He spat toward him. "Do not forget your place. I could have you killed and your little whore too."

"Ajad please, they are ignorant. Do not stoop to their level." Cheyenne hissed in his ear so that Rayne could barely hear her.

Rayne in turn put a hand on Nero's shoulder. She shook her head to tell him to speak no longer. Ajad looked at her and squared his shoulders nodding. Cheyenne had a way of commanding respect and obedience Rayne realized.

"Please let us pass, I am sorry my friends have offended you." Ember spoke softly almost pleadingly. "I am trying to leave the castle far behind me." Ajad looked her over and nodded respecting her answer.

"Very well. I will usher you through our land. Only for my dear friend." He patted Cheyenne's shoulder. Rayne noticed his face was very handsome when it was not twisted in rage.

"Thank you Ajad. I owe you a great debt."

Cheyenne smiled and rested her hand on his shoulder. Nero helped Rayne backup onto her mare. Cheyenne led on with Ajad riding close beside her. Rayne noticed that they whispered back and forth lowly. It made her wonder how long it had been since Cheyenne had stepped foot on her own land. Why had she left at all? Was she running from something? If so it meant Rayne needed to be even more vigilant. This whole idea was suicide, but freedom had a price and she was happy to pay it.

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