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Two months go by we are closer Than ever you had been flirting with me even though you had a fucking girlfriend at the time too! Another sign in which I ignored, why didn't I stop it! WHY WAS I SO FUCKING STUPID... I know why, you were my only happiness you made me feel so happy like I was the world, we ended up getting together surprise surprise
I was going through family issues at the time but you made me feel so much better as if I only needed you to be happy
And I was happy with you and you were happy and I didn't think anything bad would happen between us we were just happy I actually imagined us having a future together for fucks sakes I imagined us having a family you were my world
But because of me wanting you to be happy I didn't do any school work I just wanted to make sure you were happy by the first month of second semester of school I had already been failing four of my classes just to keep you happy I ended up getting my phone taken away so I couldn't contact you until we saw each other at school and we only had one class together so hardly ever we saw each other and you didn't even make an effort
That was another sign but me I ignored it again and just giving him the benefit of the doubt
I shouldn't have
I should have never gotten together with him
My biggest mistake was

and to think I loved you...Where stories live. Discover now