Torments Temptation

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For before my peace was realized I was yanked back…back to it all like an animal caught by the bait of salvation only to be snatched by it’s on demise.
Being pulled back to the genesis of my suffering I awoke again this time instead of a feeling of endearment I felt nothing more than hysteria.
This feeling paralyzed me which in turn made my paranoid soul tear killing me inside as it began to cripple my will.
In my own terror and panic I began to hear voices talk about something…they way they spoke…the focus they had in their voices infused in with a perturbed sense towards me.
Why would they worry?..Was something wrong?
The voices echo from my ears to my head telling tales of suffering and telling me that I may be lost.
I wasn't but the events that would now occur would make me beg that I was.
I awaited fearful of what is to come, but in that moment I felt hands try to piece together this year which layer itself upon my head.
As they did I felt a frigid liquid run down me and in that moment I felt a taste of pain I would have to endure.
Surging through me I tried to jolt or even scream in pain, but alas to no effect for I could not move…but I felt them place something on me...
In my mind I said to myself,” What are they doing now..” 
Then in an instant I just it…their tools to close my deathly void which gushed out the essence of the pain I went through.
I remember screaming, wanting to rip my own skin as one by one they filled a column of metal sealers into my tear.
One by one they sealed it up…but you never knew did you?... that I awoke before they did this…
What seemed like eternity slowing my torment it did eventually ended…at least that event.

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