Chapter 3: challenge accepted

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(2 days later)
(Total Bella's)
Well, I am heading to the doctors to see if the tumour has grown or shrunk......... here we go.

I arrive at the doctors and as soon as I enter the waiting room I see something I don't like

Surprise, surprise Dean is here and if either Nikki or Brie told him I was here I will beat them in a steel cage match!

"Hello, here to see Doctor Lowe" I tell the receptionist and she nods and starts typing

"Yes, Ms Garcia, you are 20 minuets early, please have a seat" she tells me and I smile a fake smile at her and sit down in the only seat left which is next to Dean

"So, which Triplett of mine told you I was coming here?" I ask him and he laughs

"None of them, Stephanie actually told me" he tells me and I scoff

"Of corse she did" I mumble and he sighs

"She can see something that others don't see, She apparently can see you're hurting and thought I was the best choice to come here and cheer you up" he said and I sigh

"Dean I don't think anything can cheer me up right now" I tell him and he nods and runs a hand through his hair

"Where's Benjamin?" He asks me and I smile at the mention of him

"Benji? He is my mothers house right now, when I was pregnant with him, she didn't approve of it and wouldn't let my into the house so JJ, Brie and Nikki helped me through it, when I had him it's like my mother changed and she wanted to hold him 24/7 but I only let him stay there sometimes" I tell him and he nods, I then start to stare at him and as soon as he turns to face me I slam my lips onto his and he kisses back, after a bit we break apart and his hand is on my neck

"What was that for?" He asks me in a whisper as our foreheads are pressed together

"A way of saying I still love you, that I never stoped" as soon as I say that a doctor calls out for me, I stand up and as I go to leave Dean grabs my hand and walks with me

"Sorry sir, you can't come in" the doc says but I speak up

"He is family" I tell him so he lets Dean in, we both sit down and the doctor starts

"Well, since the last test you took it looks like the Timor has shrunk but I still want you to be careful" he tells me and I nod excitedly, both Dean and I leave the room and as we get out to the parking lot I let out a squeal and jump into Deans arms, he spins me around while laughing, I get down and we get into the car and drive to the arena

"Hey Mack?" Dean says my name so I turn to face him

"Yeah Dean?" I ask him as I stare at his hair which he keeps running a hand through

"I broke up with Renee" he tells me and I smile

"Really?" I ask him and he nods

"Yeah, I broke up with her the night you got taken" He says and continues to face the road as we drive into the parking lot

"Oh okay, why though?" I ask him as he parks the car and turns to face me, he places a hand on my cheek as he holds my other hand

"Because there is a girl, beautiful and sweet (understand what I did there??) that is the mother of my son, that loved me unconditionally through everything we have been through" he says and I smile even more

"Really now?" I ask and he nods

"Yeah, Really" I then move into his lap on the drivers side

"Ohhhh, I bet she would do something like this right?" I say then start to kiss his neck on both sides

The Third BellaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя