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Airionnna Lynch is a twenty one year old who is in her last year of college. She is currently a hairstylist with her bestfriend, Emily in her mother's shop. She has a 2 year old son , Daniel. She is currently in an on & off again relationship with his father, Armon. Y'all have been at it for over the past four years. He's been toxic to your life but you still choose to mess with him. But you think you've finally reached your breaking point.


Here I am arguing with this nigga once again

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Here I am arguing with this nigga once again. I don't even know why I choose to even deal with his shit anymore, because it's not worth it.

I stayed because I thought it would be better for Daniel, but I realized it is too toxic. I don't need to be in a toxic relationship.

But I honestly think I've reached my breaking point. I'm deadass tired of this shit. I'm young. I need to be happy and live life. Plus, this my fucking house this nigga living in. This all my shit!

" You know what! Nigga you can just leave. I'm done with you and all of your shit", I said.

" Bitch , after all the shit I put up with you? Hell nah.", he said.

" Oh I'm a bitch now? Well this bitch put up with all of your shit and more! Through the fucking cheating and all. Yeah nigga I know fucking everything. If you don't leave, I promise you will be leaving here in handcuffs", I said, as I pushed him.

He just nodded and began to walk out.

" Don't call me when you don't find a nigga that can do you like I did", he said.

" Nigga fuck you!", I said, as I slammed the door.

Now it's just me and my baby, wonder how life is going to be.

Find out in Part 1 ☺️

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