53l Are You Blind, My Lord

Start from the beginning

"You take my breath away, Dasa,"

"Tell me you hate me for what I did! Because I deserve to be hated, I don't deserve you! But I can't lose you!"

"Every time I look at you, you take my breath away."

"I love you!" And she did. She did love him, she loved him more than anything else in the world. She wanted him in her life more than anything and while she knew she was probably not making any sense, she desperately wanted him to believe she loved him.

His hand settled on her face. "I know."

"Y- You d-do?" She sobbed.

"I do."

"I didn't think you were paying attention."

"I have always known, somewhere in my heart, " A small smile settled on his face as his hand caressed her cheek. "I do however love to hear you say it."

"I'm sorry it took this long, I- I kept all of those secrets..." Something settled on her lips, cutting her words off. At first she was shocked, but as his hands tangled around her waist, pulling her close, she settled into his arms and reveled in the sweetness of his kiss.

"Stop speaking," His warm breath caressed her lips, "you must know that Julius lied about everything, you must know Jason's my, our son."

The weight of his words settled in the depths of her belly, causing her legs to tremble. Thankful for the support his arms provided, she fought to keep her breathing regulated. It was nearly impossible to keep the memory of the day she woke up to find Julius by her side, away, but she was determined to do so; she was determined to forget Julius.

"I'm the one who must beg your forgiveness for not being there to protect you."

Tears stung her eyes, slipping slowly down her cheeks. A soft sob escaped her lips as she thought of the implications of Julius' actions, the years wasted, the opportunity she lost to be a mother to her son and a wife to her husband.

Leaning forward until her cheek was pressed to his chest, she gave in to her tears. He stood still before her, his arms tightening its hold around her as she listened to his steady heart beat.

"I love you." Her lips trembled as his arms slackened around her as she watched his feet take a step back. She saw the limp in his step, the realization that he was in pain for standing for too long, filling her with dread. "You should sit." She glanced around, her eyes searching the room for his cane.

"Your body," His voice broke the silence that had managed to build in the room. "I have listened to you take bathes, get dressed..." Slowly, she let her eyes drift back to him, his eyes fixed on her. It was nearly impossible to breathe as the memories of that evening played out before her. "I would like to know what you look like without your clothes."

She didn't hesitate, her hand reaching swiftly behind her as she slipped out of her nightdress, her eyes still fixed on him. She felt her clothes fall to a heap around her feet, her heart stopping as she watched his gaze fall with them.

Slowly, his eyes traveled up her body, her skin catching fire as his eyes came to settle on her face, desire written plainly in them.

She tried to speak but her lips seemed incapable of forming the words her mind desperately sought to ask. When he took a step forward, instinctively, she stepped back, her feet getting caught in her nightdress until she was falling backwards. Bracing herself for the fall, her eyelids pulled shut as a soft cry escaped her lips. Strong hands took hold of her arms, pulling her forward until her body was bumping against his.

Many questions bombarded her mind as her eyelids parted, giving way to the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen, bjut as she opened her mouth to speak, she heard herself ask, "are you blind, my lord?"

A smile played at the corners of his lips as he tipped her chin up and leaned forward, "do I look blind, Dasa?" She felt his arm wrapping around her waist and forcing her body forward. Yet, all she could do as she stood before him, was stare into the depths of his eyes. He leaned down until his lips were brushing against hers. "You're perfect. I love you."

"Daniel..." She squeaked.

"Stop speaking, Dasa." His lips settled on hers, setting her entire body on fire.

Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips parting to welcome his. His lips disconnected from hers and settled on her cheeks, trailing downwards to her neck. She felt his lips explore her body, a soft moan escaping her lips as her eyelids snapped shut. She felt him carry her into his arms, the warmth of his skin pressed against hers, leaving her breathless. He placed her on the bed and captured her lips once more, their souls reconnecting after so many months of being apart.

Copyright © 2018 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

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