Falling In Love At Balcony

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Erick: Hello!
Christelyn's Mum: Hello! Who is this?
Erick: Aunty, I am Erick, Is Chris in the home?
Christelyn's Mum: Oh, Erick how are you son? No, she is outside. I think she is returning from coaching classes.
Erick: Yeah, I am well aunty. Ok, Can you please tell her to call me back when she returns.
Christelyn's Mum: Sure, I shall inform her.
Erick: Thank you, Aunty.
[35mins ago...]
Hi, Listeners, I'm Yash. I am class Twelve student of science. I am the smart boy who is looking for a cute girlfriend [giving a speech like drunken]. Hey, Emily would like to go with me Ellington street park?
Evana: Hey shut up Yash, It's 10:10 pm of the night and you are talking like shit.
Yash: Hey you shut up, I've asked Emily not you! Are you? Emily tells me, would like to go now!
Emily: Stop it Yash, Since Nine thirty I have been telling you to don't overload yourself. But you are not listening! You always do the same.
Christelyn: Hey guys, Wassup? [Loaded]
Ron: Now this is called inebriated group. Today all the guys have experienced the Beer except Erick. Where is Erick, Chris?
Christelyn: I don't Know, Maybe he is sleeping with his cute teddy, LOL!
Group: Hahaha, LMAO [ except for Yash].
Yash: Don't Laugh guys, He might drink warm milk and go to sleep with the cute teddy.
Group: Hahahahaha LOL, LMAO, ROLF!
Ron: Let's go, guys, It's too late now, My Mum & Dad will be angry with me.
Group[except Christelyn and Yash]: Ok, Let's go now. Yeah, Yeah let's go.
Yash: It's not too late, what you think Chris?
[Christelyn's Mum's phone calling]
Christelyn: No, It might be now. Okei let's go now.
Yash: Hush! Oh no, ok let's go.  But I will go with Emily Tomorrow.
Emily: Shut up and let's go now it's too late.
[Evana and Emily supporting Christelyn to walk as she was too much drunk]
[Yash is walking like an intoxicated man, moving around road while walking and consuming more beer ]
[After 40 mins]
Emily lives next door of Christelyn's house. So, she helped her to reach the house. Evana bade bye to Ron and Yash as they live in the neighbourhood. Because Yash was too drunk, his friend Ron carried him to his residence safely. Meanwhile, Chris's mother raged upon her and Emily as they were intoxicated. Emily bade her friend bye and went to her home. Chris's Mum was so angry with her and scolded her. Chris showed a negative sign and went to her room without thinking of having dinner.
Chirs's Mum: Open the door, Chris, Open The door![knock, knock...]
No reply is coming from Chris!
Chris's Mum: I said open the door.[knock, knock] CHRIS...
Chris: What happen mum? Why're you shouting so loud?
Chris's Mum: I got some meal for you, Open the door and have it!
Chirs: [opening the door] Please go, mum, I am not hungry!
Chris's Mum: Yeah, why should you be hungry? You already have consumed your dinner, HUH?
Chris: Shut up, Mom, I don't have any explanation for you. Just go, Please!
Chris's mum: Behave yourself Christelyn to mum. Don't cross your limit! I am putting it here on the table. Take it before 12:15 am.
Chris: Yeah, I am sorry! Just go from here.
[putting the meal on the table of Christelyn's  bedroom mum went downstairs.]
Chris's Mum:[shouting from the downstairs] Oh, Chris! I forgot to tell you that 5mins ago your friend Erick called me to inform you that he may have some urgent needs to talk with you. So, call him surely.
Chris:[closung the door] Yeah, Mum Ok, I will call him.
At 12 am Christelyn calls her best friend Erick, He also lives near her residence.
Erick: Hello!
Chris: Hey, boy you missed me? What happens, why aren't you talking? Hello, listen I am feeling sleepy, so, say something or bye! [talking like drunk]
Erick: Hey, Chris are you drunk?
Chris: Yeah, a little bit. Hey, could you please come here? I want to talk with you.
Erick: It's midnight now and why are you saying?
Chris: Actually, I am feeling bit lonely here and sad too so, I thought if you would come here, therefore, I might be happy.
Erick: I will go tomorrow there and will talk with you then. You had your dinner?
Chris: No, I am not hungry. Already mum has lectured me about this, and on that, you are also not coming here today. Ok, it is fine to me to spend a night without having dinner. No problem, meet with you tomorrow, Bye.
Erick: Wait, Let's make a deal, Right?, If I go there you will have your meal, ok? Sounds good?
Chris: Ok, I will think, first come here!
Erick: No, you have to promise me. Otherwise, I'll not go there.
Chris: Ok, Promise to you. Now come first.
Erick: Ok, Uhmm, I'm coming in two minutes. See you there. Bye!
Chris: Ok, I'm waiting, bye!
[Putting the phone down he got up from the bed and ready to get out of his house for next door.]
Erick to his Mum:[shouting] Mum, I am going next door to Chris's house, I will come late.
His Mum: Why? What happens, why are you going now?
Erick: I don't know mum, She got some urgent needs with me.
His Mum: Ok, Take the house keys, I'll lock from inside. And come early.
Erick: [Taking the keys] Ok, Mum, I understand, Bye!
At next door, he knocked thrice on the door and lastly Chris's mum opened it up. Answering Chris's mum that she needs to talk to him urgently he went straight to Chris's room.
Erick:[Knocking] Open the door, Chris, I am here.
Chris: I'm coming.[opening the door] Come.
Thanks for coming. I thought you wouldn't.
Erick: Why thanks? I told you that I would come for sure. Now make sure that you complete your promise.
Chris: I'll do that later, First let's do some talk.
Erick: NO, Not, um...
Chris: Wait let's go to the terrace.
Erick: Why balcony?
Chris: Today is the full moon night, So, we will view that.
[Dragging Erick]let's take the dinner and go and sit there.
Erick: Ok, Ok wait I'm coming, don't drag me out.[taking the plate of meal]
Chris: Ok, now sit here, and let's talk.
They sat on the terrace and was talking about the night and about how they spent the past day. When Chris was talking with Erick, he made her promise kept.
Erick: Hey, Chris, let's play a game.
Chris: What game?
Erick: Count the star if you confuse or fail then you have to eat the one bite of the meal.
Chris: Sounds great. I will not fail, you too join, Please!
Erick: I already had my dinner. I won't.
Chris: No, then I'll also not.
[Erick knew Chris would not keep her promise, So, he plays a trick.]
Erick: Ok, I see.
Chris: Let's start.
Every time Chris got confused because she was drunk. So, counting one star to another, she always got confused and failed. She has to eat one bite of each failing step. In this system, they ate the whole meal. Erick eats couple bites of the meal, and Chris ended rest of it.
Erick: Now see, you've kept your promise.
Chris: Yep, But it was possible for you only.
Erick: Haha! Whatever, now you have had your dinner. I'm feeling sleepy, so, can I go now? It's late now.
Chris: No, I have an important thing to say you.
Erick: Tell?
Chris: I've tried to tell you many times before, but I couldn't. So, it's the absolute time to tell you the truth.
Erick: What's the truth, Christelyn?
Chris: [Giving a soft kiss on his lips] I Love You, Erick. Please, stay here with me tonight.
Erick: [Being shocked] I love you too Christelyn. I will stay with you not only tonight but for the rest of my life also.
After having the conversation, they felt for each other. Both were feeling sleepy then. It was 1:30 am of night.
Chris: I am feeling sleepy. Can we sleep here today?
Erick: But, It is cold here!
Chris: So, what? Plase, stay!
Erick: Ok then, Let me take two pillows and a blanket from the room.
Chris: No needed of these. I have these two jackets, so, wear it. I will put my head on your lap.
Erick: [wearing one jacket] Ok, but where will I put my head too?
Chris: Lean your body on the wall, that's it.
Erick: Oh, God! Ok, for tonight only.
Chris: Love you, Goodnight, Sweet Dreams.
Erick: You too, Goodnight.
They spent the whole night together at the terrace. Gradually the morning  Sun's first lustre fell on them. Still, the two little sleepy beating hearts were sleeping on each other's arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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