Chapter 2- Eggs or Rocks?

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After we all finished our little crying, slash bonding moment Jack said,

"Lets all go swimming in the pond guys."

I'm not quite sure why I agreed to go swimming with everyone. I normally don't like to go swimming with them. I mean sure I love the water and love to swim, but for some reason I almost never do. I usually I just sit on the shore and watch my siblings swim. You know kind of like a look out for danger. There never has been any bit still I guess it is just an older siblings protection instinct. Though looking back on that day I guess it was just fate that I decided to swim that day.

After we finish swimming in the pond we all swim under the waterfall then climb into the little cave behind it. Nobody know about it but us so it is like our own secret hideout. I was the first one in the cave so  I turned on the lanterns we have in it so everybody can see. When everybody was in we all walked to the back of the cave. There's not really much there. Just some odds and ends, a small stash of money, a hunting knife for each of us, a bow and some arrows, some towels, a  change of cloths, a couple of blankets and my wood carving tools all in case of emergency. There are also some rocks that we have collected because they where oddly shaped or one of us just liked them. (Mom wont let us keep them in the house). Looking down at the rocks we have collected I pick up a dark violet colored one that I have never seen before then ask, "Where did these colorful egg shaped rocks from? Do you guys know? Because I am one hundred percent sure that they weren't here last time we were here."

"Nope I've never seen them before." Lynn tells me walking up and picking up one that is a torquise bluish colored.

"Me either" Say Sophia walking over and picking up the red one to examine.

"Nope" say Jack and Aiden together. Aiden picks up a pure white one, and Jack picks up a greenish brown one.

"It does'nt even feel like a rock." Mutters Aiden softly.

"I know it's warm and it feels alive." whispers Jack.

"Let's take them home and so we can try to figure out what they are guy." I suggest. Nodding we all exit the cave going under the water fall and back onto the bank.


DREAM (They are all having the same dream because their minds are linked)

Blackness that's all that can be seen. Then suddenly a small light can be seen. Slowly it gets bigger and bigger, until there is no darkness left.. Standing in the middle of that light is a beautiful women, she has long flowing curly black hair and shining violet eyes. suddenly she turns to  face us


"Aiden of air and prophecy, Lynn of water and knowledge, Jack of earth and survival, Sophia of fire and strategy, and Shiloh of spirit and speaker for the lost. The time has come my children. Your entire world is about to change. Your destiny awaits. The future and peace of the world now depends on you. My children this is a heavy burden to bear on your young shoulders, the road ahead will many bumps, twists and turns, some harder than others.

During your journeys you will face love, and betrayal, make many new friends, and many new enemies. But you are strong and as long as you stand together you will make it to the end. When all feels lost and both you and the world are on the verge of destruction remember.......... You are never alone. In times of questioning of crisis all you need to do is look within yourself for the answers and I shall be there to guide you. I shall see you all again children"




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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