A Suspicious Bunch

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Gary tasted his risotto and looked suitably appreciative of his own talents. ‘I asked her about those noises while you were locked away in your room. She flat out denied she was awake at all. Come to think of it, it wasn’t long after that when she took off back to her place. Sorry. I didn’t mean to step on your toes there, mate. Hope I haven’t muddied the waters.’

‘On the contrary, I think you’ve done me a service by letting her know I overheard her that morning. It may precipitate some action on her behalf that will lead us towards an explanation. The other thing it has achieved, of course, was getting her to move on so that we can now debrief in peace.’

Gary had moved across the cramped galley kitchen and was now putting together a rocket, pear and parmesan salad to accompany the risotto. ‘Why would someone try to scare Dot? Do you think she might know something she hasn’t told us yet?’

‘It’s quite possible she’s holding something back. Perhaps she observed something that seemed unimportant at the time, but in the light of other facts has now taken on some relevance. She may even be holding that over someone’s head.’

Israel set the table indoors and checked that the windows facing Dot’s house were closed. It was tempting to take advantage of the cool breeze that had sprung up, but he wanted their conversation kept private. They plated up in the kitchen and sat down facing each other to consume the fruit of Gary’s labours.

‘Then we come to Mr Mitchell Brentwood, the manager of the Dangar Island Bowling Club. He was friendly enough, but I got the sense he was straining to eavesdrop on us after we mentioned our interest in the case.’

‘And he knew about her face piercing,’ added Gary.

‘Yes, indeed. Then Dorothy claims to have seen the two of them conversing in circumstances that she describes as almost covert. When you add in the fact that he also has a criminal record, he seems quite a likely candidate for a killer.’

Gary raised his eyebrows, finishing a mouthful of food. ‘Oh, and I forgot to mention that Dot just told me he keeps snakes as a hobby. She said it only just occurred to her.’

‘Well, that will be an interesting point to pursue. I wonder if he keeps any venomous snakes? I’m sure he must have known Roxanne but is unwilling to admit it. I wonder what it was about Roxanne that inspires people to deny all knowledge of her. Everyone except Dorothy, that is …’

‘Megan was happy enough to say she knew her.’

Israel grinned. ‘Ah, very good. So your broad shoulders and worldly charm did not fail you, and she took you into her confidence. What else did you learn, apart from the fact that she knew Roxanne? Oh, and that she discriminates against people on the basis of their skin colour?’

Gary smirked back. ‘You’re quick sometimes, aren’t you? What gave you that idea, anyway?’

‘Sometimes I just know from a look.’

‘I couldn’t believe it. She asked me if you were Lebanese! I had to have a chuckle at that. So, anyway, she admitted she knew Roxanne. The girl came round to her house every now and then, just like Dot said. She told me Roxanne was a pretty wild kid, and looking at all those tatts and piercings it’s hard to disagree. She reckoned they had a bit of a mother–daughter thing going on. Megan doesn’t seem like the domestic type, so if it was a mother–daughter type of relationship, it must have been a strange one. I asked her if she saw Roxanne on Saturday night and she said that she had, but that Roxanne snubbed her and had gone off “with someone strange”. I got the impression she was hurt by that.’

‘She didn’t happen to say whom she thought this strange someone was, did she?’

‘No, she was cagey about that. I got the impression she suspected it was a particular person but she wasn’t willing to say.’

Death on Dangar IslandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin