2. All The Summers I Loved You

Start from the beginning

They rented a room in a hotel one night, to truly get some alone time together which was rare on such a big trip. Afterwards, she sat out on the balcony, wrapped in a sheet, head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad we're both going to NYU together." She said, tilting her eyes up to his. "Promise me you'll stay with me forever?"

"I promise."

"Good," she sighed, snuggling closer to him. "Because I really can't imagine spending the summer without you."

During the summer of 2003, however, things changed.

They'd taken a break from studying. He was getting on well at NYU; Summer, on the other hand, was struggling to stay afloat in the competitive waters. School had never been her thing, with too many rules that shackled her down, and he doubted that she would even have attempted college without him.

"Hurry up," he called, pulling his shoes on. "Our flight back to New York leaves in a couple of hours." Swallowing, Summer sat up in the bed, shaking her hair off her face.

"I'm not going."

He paused. "Sorry?"

"You love it there Jackson, and that's great, I'm happy for you. But I don't. I'm going to go exploring with some girls in Europe. I have my trust fund, and I have my passport. I'll be back to see you next summer."

"No." He stated. "You can't just tell me you're dropping out."

She shrugged. "It's all arranged."

Anger began to rise in him. "And you only just decided to let me in on your plans now? What about us? Do you even know the people you're going with? Do you have any idea how hard it'll be to get a job without a degree?"

She rolled her eyes. "I knew you'd be like this. I don't need or want a job. The girls are nice. Don't worry about me. Just go, you'll miss your plane."

With one harsh look, he said before leaving, "If you leave, don't expect me to be waiting for you when you come back."

But of course in the summer of 2004 he was standing at the airport, waiting to collect the girlfriend he barely communicated with. He barely recognised Summer when she arrived - her skin was tanned, and her hair was brown. It wasn't a look that suited her.

"I knew you'd be here," she declared, throwing her arms around him.

"I love you," he sighed. "I was angry, but I would never have left you."

"Good," she grinned with familiarity. "Let's go."

The summer of 2005 was much the same. She chatted non-stop about the wonders of travelling, and he tried not to let it bother him that she didn't ask about NYU.

She prepared to leave again, this time for South America. "This is your last year at NYU. Next year, you'll be free." She squeezed his hand across the dinner table. "You can join me."

His brow furrowed. "Join you?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Travelling."

"Hold on," he said slowly. "I don't want to go travelling. I'm doing well; I hope to have lots of offers for work lined up next year."

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