I Need Some Help

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Jay's POV
I was in goodness class and let me say, I was board out of my mind.
"Ringggggg," the bell went, indicating that school was now over. "Yes," I said as I left the class. I went to my locker to collect my stuff, when I saw Lonnie at her locker. I shut my locker very quickly and headed to her. "Lonnie," I said, but was cut off by Evie. "Lonnie, hey. I have an appointment that is available and I was wondering if you wanted it," Evie asked. "Sure,"Lonnie said. Evie nodded her head and left. Lonnie closed her locker and saw me. "Hey Jay, what are you doing here?" She asked. "Ow, I was just going to ask..." I stopped there trying to come up with what to say. Then it hit me. "I was just going to ask if you have seen Carlos," I said calmly. "I think he's with Jane,"Lonnie told me. "Thanks," I said while walking off. Stupid of me. Asking where Carlos is. I was going to the room since there is no practice. Because school is ending this month, extracurricular activities are canceled. As I was saying. I was walking back to the room when I catch Carlos with Jane. "Hey bud, I need help with something," I said. "But," Carlos started but I cut him off. "Is it okay if I take him with me for a few," I ask Jane. She nods her head. "Sure." But before she could finish, I take Carlos with me. "Bye Carlos," we hear Jane say. I bring Carlos to the room, throw him on the bed and close the door. "Jay, what they heck," he tells me. "Sorry, but I need to ask you something," I say. Carlos motions me to speak. "What do you do when your heart starts to race and you can't come up with what to say to someone," I ask. Carlos stares at me, wide eyed. "What," I say. "You have a crush," he says. "What," I say. "I said you," I cut him off. " I know. I heard you," I said. "So, who is the girl," Carlos ask. I give a sigh and take a deep breath. "Lonnie," I say. Carlos gives me the stare agian. "We need to tell the girls," Carlos tells me. "Why," I whine. "Because we'll need their help too,"Carlos says. Great. Just great.

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