Introduction 'The Countryside'

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When writing 'Coffee & Books' I put Loki in a very 'down to earth' environment. The God of Mischief was leading a somewhat normal life on Midgard. I'm taking that a step further in this short story. It started off as a oneshot, but I had too much fun writing about Loki and Ylva again, so it turned out to be more than just a oneshot. :-)

Ylva is visiting her family in Holland and Loki joins her for a vacation before they will be moving to Norway with the Asgardian people. 

The setting is the Dutch countryside (a province called 'Zeeland'), where I live. Welcome in my world :-)

Please note that this story falls outside 'Coffee & Books' canon. It doesn't fit in the timeline for book 3. That said, don't let it hold you back from enjoying this one! ;-)

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