Chapter Two- News

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Neil called a taxi, and we rode to the tour bus. I barely made it up the steps, so Emmet helped me. 

"What's the news?" Emmet asked before I could sit down. 

"He's in a coma, we don't know much after that." Neil said. I noticed a cut along Emmet's left brow.It was caked with blood.

"Why didn't you go to the hospital too? And what exactly happened, Emmet?" I asked him. His eyes were a dark blue, and shined beautifully with the dim lights on the bus. Emmet had been in our band since we started, Ryan met him at a local pub and recruited him. 

"Ryan had a few drinks at the Dragon's Tail downtown. I was going to drive him home, which was fine. We made it twenty yards from the pub when an eightteen wheeler hit us from behind..." he said. A thought I saw a tear roll down his left cheek. "Ryan had undone his seatbelt and I didn't see it. I should have been watching him." 

"Emmet, you were driving, this is not your fault. " I said scooting closer to him. He let out a long sigh and continued his story.

"When we were hit, my head hit the wheel and knocked me out shortly after. I do remember what happened to Ryan though. He, went through the windshield. I remember the glass breaking, I tried to hold him, but I was so groggy." I was sure I saw more tears fall from his eyes. I wrapped my arm around his back trying to comfort him. 

"What happened next?" Neil asked. 

"I don't know who called the ambulance, but I woke up, I was laying on a tarp." he said. He wrapped his hands around his neck, I felt a tear fall from my own eye. 

"I was surrounded by people and I tried calling Ryan's name. I screamed it so loud. A nurse told me he was in an ambulance going to the hospital. Someone helped me up and sat me in the back of a car. When everyone turned their back I left. " Emmet said. 

"You just left? Without anyone knowing? " I asked. He nodded his head and tried to hide his face when he wiped his wet cheeks on his sleeve. 

"We have to take you to the hospital, you need to see how bad your head his." Neil suggested. 

"No, I won't go. I just want to rest." Emmet said. He stood up and started to walk to the back of the bus where the bunks where. 

"Wait, Emmet." I said. I stood up on my toes and hugged him. I kissed his cheek and gently let go. He gave me a reassuring look and continued to bed. 

"He's pretty shaken up. God, I would be too." Neil said. He sat beside me and put his hand on my leg. 

"I hate that he blames himself. I wish I could help." I began to sob. Neil's eyes met mine, his hand slowly moved farther up my leg, too far for comfort. I grabbed his hand and placed it on the bench we were sitting on. I stood up and opened the mini-fridge. Getting two waters I handed one to Neil and sat on the bench across from him. 

"God, I wonder if the press is eating this up." I said. Neil flipped on the tv. 

"What channel would it be?" he asked. 

"Try five, that's live news, I think." 

Neil flipped the tv to five, a women in a light brown suit appeared on the screen. She had too much make-up on and spoke in an English accent. 

"Hello, I'm Debbie Lofters coming live from Dublin, Ireland a place of hope, dispare, and death..almost. Just hours ago two members from the well known band, Voyage, we nearly killed in car wreck. News just in Emmet Hill and Ryan Kelter were driving home from a local pub. News reports that both had too many drinks and stopped infront of an eightteen wheeler. The driver had little time to slow before he rear-ended the car. Ryan was thrown out of the vehice, Emmet was perfectly fine.We don't know much from here, but as soon as we hear news, it's coming to you. I'm Debbie Lofters, live from Dublin Ireland. Goodnight. " she said. 

"What? That's bullshit!!" I screamed. "Emmet was not drunk, who the hell makes up a damn story.." Neil stopped me before I could finish. 

"I know, it's horrible. There's press for you. Just try and calm down. " he said moving closer to me.  

I tried to hold back the tears, but I couldn't. Neil grabbed me and placed my head is his shoulder. It was soft and warm. I sat there for a while, it felt nice to be held. The only person that's held me like that was Ryan. He's always been there for every heartbreak, he was there for endless hours. Every little thought made me cry more. 

I don't remember when it happened, but I drifted off to sleep in Neil's arms. 


Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story. Fan me and I'll do the same. :) I posted a picture of ryan beside my story! :3

p.s. Sorry for an grammer mistakes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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