3 - Choice "NO" Crazy Isn't It?!

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Chapter 3. Crazy Isn't It?!

Y/N- Your Name


I looked up at the boy with his dazzling smile. How can I resist that?! "No I'm sorry, I'm just here because my father brought me- I mean I don't know how to work that kind of equipment sorry!" I can't believe I resisted that. He fumbled a bit more with the tangled cords, "Nah I understand! It's cool! Nice seeing you!" He began walking away and walked towards a guy with a clipboard, the man started helping him untangle it and then rushed him towards the set. 'Well at least he got those cords untangled.'

"UGH! This food is so good!" Well the chocolates and desserts anyway. For the next half-hour or so I went back and forth from chilling on the couch to eating food. I almost smothered down the whole plate of Hershey's chocolate, until a boy came up to me. "Mind saving that for another hungry person?" I slammed the plate down and wiped my face with a napkin. "Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to!" I looked up from wiping the embarrassment off my face to a big smile from a really tall boy, in my opinion. He reached out his hand, "Hey I'm Will, and I would swallow food down too so don't be embarrassed!" I shook his hand and stared at him. 'Oh holy crap this guy is pretty cute, he doesn't look full Asian, does he?' I inspected his wardrobe which consisted of a tight black and white star-stripped shirt with black jeans. 'Hes got good style, his hairs nicely cut too. Wait what is he saying?' "...so whats your name?" He tilted his head slightly, as if knowing I was too busy looking at his body.

"My what? OH MY NAME! Its Y/N." I have to slap myself on that one later.

"Nice! I'm Will Behlendorf. Wait I already said that, ha-ha!" Hes probably wanting to slap himself too for that.

"So are you in this boy band IM5?" I asked.

He grinned, "Yeah this is our set! Crazy isn't it? Its so cool! Yeah its small, but its spacious around here too! I'm enjoying it. I just finished my solo set for our new song coming out, you should really listen to it! It's called Heartless and I really enjoy performing it!" He smiled wide. Its like hes posing for a dentist ad.

"That sounds amazing!" I smiled back.

"Yeah! It is! So what about you what are you doing here?" He asked as he grabbed some Doritos.

"Oh, my dads the new side manager for you guys and-"

"YOUR DADS THE NEW SIDE MANAGER? HES SO FUNNY!" He laughs. "I-I mean, sorry continue!" he chuckles.

"Heh, yeah! So we just abruptly moved here a week ago, and he just invited me to come check out the set and meet you guys and stuff." Man Will's an odd one.

"That sounds cool, I bet you didn't like moving"

But he can keep a conversation unlike the rest of the boy population, "I didn't, but the house is amazing, and the places to go to around here are awesome!" I smiled. I'm really hitting this one out of the park.

"Hey you wanna just chill? I can tell you all about our band and everything!" Will rubbed his arm slightly.

Just then I heard someone calling my name, "Y/N! Can you come here for a quick second?" Dad, of course he would ruin this moment.

Should I go?

OF COURSE: coming soon

NO WAY: coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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