Chapter 2: The accident

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Chapter 2: The Accident

Y/N means Your Name, since this is all about you!

I woke up to the sun beaming out of my window hitting the right side of my face. I slid out of my bed and walked across the room to my drawer and pulled out my outfit I chose the night before.I can't believe I'm meeting a boy band! 'Wow, never thought I would be this excited.' I slipped on my best skinny jeans, you know, the ones that make your butt look so perfect? Those ones. I decided to go simple and wear a light pink shirt with the number 21 in bold white on it. Maybe the boys will like the sporty type, they must work out and stuff to keep in shape. I dragged my white shoes down the stairs and put them on.

I waited patiently by the front door for my Father while brushing my hair. 'Should I braid it? No, I cant whip it around for a dramatic effect. Pony tail? Nah, it wont block my face in case i need to hide. I'll just leave it down.' I fluffed my hair until it was just right, then my father approached the door with backpack in hand. "Are you ready to go meet IM5?" I nodded and smiled and he opened our brown door to the outside to get into his company car. The car was simple, just one of those silver 5-seat cars. I don't know about cars much but I liked it.

As we arrived to the building to go on set I felt like I was sweating off 10 gallons of water. I wanted to make a good impression so I don't embarrass my father, not only that but to not make a fool out of myself. We got out of the car and began approaching the metal grey doors. He grabbed out his key and unlocked it. From there, he opened the door for me and a gush of air hit my face, it was like walking into some sort of spaceship. I hesitantly walked in, and there was lights, sets, and plenty of people and food tables all around. Of course I set my sights on the food because, who wouldn't.

I looked up at my father as if asking permission to meander, was stricken in my eyes. "Feel free to look around Y/N! I must begin working, just text or call me if you need anything!" And that began my adventure.

I looked at all the wonderful sets that had different tones of colors from brown and yellow to hues of purple and blue. They were all so incredible, but that wasn'tup tables, around 10 to be exact, and they're were women standing and fixing them up and cleaning the floors around them. Someone must have gotten there make up done, or maybe more than one person. I looked to my right and saw plush purple couches with brown tables in front of them, and more food tables a few feet in front of that. It looked like heaven.

I ran over to the first food table I could reach until a voice stopped me in my tracks, "Hey excuse me! Could you help I'm a little bit stuck here!" I looked up and saw a boy struggling with a mic set. He had curly hair with a snap back sitting at the top of his head. His skin was a perfect tan and his voice was pretty unique in sound. "Can you just untangle this for me? I've got to go on and say some lines but I accidentally messed up this mic!" I was stricken with fear. Help? Help a cute boy? I cant do that! NO!

Should I do it...?

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