“Immobilize him.”


Once again, she raised her gaze and focused them towards Yunho, who was still not moving from his spot. He was starting to breathe slower, his gun was now nowhere in sight, but his body language was still telling her not to mess with him.


“You have two minutes, Rodriguez. Remember your job.”


But she was running out of time.


Christine heard a sickly crack as Yunho turned, stepping on a limp arm in the process and hearing the bone crack under his weight beneath the steel toed boots he was wearing. He was still submerged inside the darkness that always comes whenever he turns into a perfect killing machine during missions, but there was a clarity in his gaze when his eyes landed upon her that Christine felt herself shiver once more.


“Check my handiwork.” Yunho gestured at the mess in front of him. “Or isn’t this enough for the Agency? Should I tear apart this place instead?”


She wanted to tell him that no, his job was done. That even if his directive changed to total wreckage, it was still accomplished judging by the looks of the room.


“Otsukare.” Christine replied, ignoring Yunho’s question. She didn’t know what else to say. What do you say to a cold blooded killer after a completed job? Well done? Good job? Congratulations?


Christine has been Yunho’s partner for half a year, with Yunho gritting his teeth before accepting the fact that he was being assigned a green, novice, computer loving geek of a partner out of the blue. He was the best assassin they have, but he was the kind of man who gets the job done and doesn’t care what the consequences of his actions were, as long as he completes it. At least that’s what the reports were saying. What Christine knew was he was methodical, unrelenting when needed, and extremely precise. He had killing down to a tee, like it was an art he perfected over time, which you will if you started killing people when you were only fourteen.


“Do I get to be punished after being a bad boy?” a dark smirk crossed Yunho’s face, ending up with him tilting his head as if contemplating what he should be doing next. His smooth neck was exposed, showing a glint of his white skin, and the gleam of the collar strapped on his throat.


Like she was suddenly awake after a brief respite, Christine remembered an important fact. She was the only one who had the power to stop him with a push of a button. Christine squeezed the remote control nestled within her palm. One click and a charge similar to a thousand volts will run through Yunho’s body from the base of his spine downwards, and that was only the first setting. He was strapped in a torture device the moment he was deemed fit to return to active duty, designed to incapacitate him should it be needed.


“You didn’t need to kill them all.” Christine answered.


“Threats. Killers. I’d shoot anyone in the head when they have their fucking guns pointed my way.” he shrugged. This was Yunho’s first mission after being incarcerated for a year, a punishment he earned for the massacre of a high profile smuggler's bodyguards masquerading as a legit company president’s security detail. All 40 of them were former special ops members. All of them were dead before half the day was over. Half had a single head wound fatal enough to kill, half had their throats slit open cleanly. Agency operatives found Yunho eating ice cream outside the warehouse that housed the bodies that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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