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Hey Pennywise the (fabulous ✨) Dancing Clown, with all of these questions from fangirls/boys, some being quite... *cough* extreme...

What is your full opinion on your fangirls/boys that are interested in you? And in what situations would which of your fight or flight senses kick in when confronted by them?


I think it is vile. *sneers* They need to snap out of their little day dream and move on with life. It's hard enough to kill kids who aren't scared of clowns, now I've got to deal with them being in love with them?!

I ran when a girl started fantasizing about a...what was the word again...clussy? She came onto to me whilst drooling and that's when I chose flight. If you're annoying and tell me how much you want to be with me I will fight. *crosses arms with a large, toothy grin*

Admin Time

I know, you guys hate when I come on, but some of you guys get really offended when Pennywise says something rude so I'm here to clean up his mess.

Pennywise is not nice at all. He's a total dick most of the time and doesn't give a shit about anyone so of course he's going to say something that may hurt you're feelings and I want to apologize for it. I'm not really likeable on Wattpad because of how I portray characters, but hey; you can't blame me, this is how the character is.

One more thing; I know a lot of you do have something for Pennywise (feelings/love/lust) and that's all you. If you're into that, then it's all good. I don't find it at all disgusting. Everyone is different and unique and I'm all for being yourself.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Sorry to have wasted your time. xD

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