To the park!

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The next morning.

Fluttershy woke up to the smell of something foul, she sniffed the air but couldn't, place the smelled. "What is that awful smell!?" she asked, she kept sniffing the foul air until she found its source, Rainbow dash who was sleeping under her wing, she put a hoof up to her nose, "" she said.

Rainbow was starting to wake up to the foul smell as well, she shook her head before looking up to Fluttershy. "Hey Fwuttewshy, what's dat smell?" she asked.

Fluttershy still had her hoof to her nose. "It's you Rainbow Dash." she replied. "I think you had an 'accident' in your sleep."

Rainbow sniffed the air then shifted a little in her diaper, to feel something squish against her bottom, discovering her 'accident' made her eyes tear up.

Before she could cry Fluttershy picked her up and cooed to her. "It's okay Rainbow, come on, I'll change you, okay." she said.

Rainbow simply nodded.

Fluttershy carried Rainbow over to the changing table that Angel and Tank made last night along with the crib and started changing Dash's dirty diaper.

When she unpinned the diaper and opened it she was instantly hit full force by the terrible smell. "Oh man Dashie, you did a number on this one huh." she said while holding her nose.

Dash pouted. "I didn't mean to..." she whimpered.

"I know you didn't," Fluttershy said. "but you don't have control, remember? So don't feel bad about it okay." lifting Dash's legs up she pulled the dirty diaper from under her and threw it into the trash bin, she then went under the changing table to get some baby wipes then taking one of the wipes she started cleaning Rainbows rear.

Rainbow shivered at the contact of the could wipes against her.

"Oh I bet that's cold, don't worry I'm almost done." she said, when she was satisfied that her backside was clean. She threw the dirty wipe away and pulled out a clean diaper, taking the baby powder from the side of the table she sprinkled some into the diaper to insure Rainbow won't get a rash, she then slided the diaper under her rear and pinned the new diaper on.

When she was done she backed away to admire her work. "There how do you feel now, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked.

Dash leaned up to feel her rear once again in comfort she smiled "I feew bettew now, thank you, Fwuttewshy." she said, suddenly her stomach started growling.

Fluttershy blushed. "I guess that means you're hungry huh?" she asked.

Rainbow blushed too knowing what would this lead to. "Umm yeah, I guess I am a widdwe hungwy." she replied nervously.

Fluttershy picked Dash back up and carried her to the bed she laid down with Rainbow against her chest she moved her to her teats.

When Rainbow saw the teat she clamped on without complaint and started nursing. She couldn't help but smile a little, it was still weird to be nursing from her best friend it felt weird to even be nursing at all, but it also felt right at the same time she didn't know why but either way she was liking this, although it was probably best she didn't tell Fluttershy though.

When Fluttershy felt Rainbow clamp onto her without complaint she was surprised she was even more surprised to see Rainbow smiling. 'Is she enjoying this?' she thought to herself. She then thought of something she may have been liking this as well because now she got to be something she always wanted to be...a mother, she shook her head at that thought.

'No, I can't be thinking like that' she looked down at Rainbow who was still suckling.

'No matter how much I would like to keep her... she has to be changed back no matter what. Besides what would you get from having a child? She probably doesn't want to be here any longer than she has to anyway.' she thought.

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