Home sweet home

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Fluttershy made her way home from the Everfree. Her butter-colored wings swaddled Rainbow Dash in a feathery cocoon of warmth. She looked down at little Dashie. The foal was sound asleep, snuggled up against her chest giving off light snores with each breath. She smiled and thought, 'Aww... she is so cute.' Then she thought back to what happened at Zecora's hut. 'She acted like a foal earlier... I hope this isn't affecting her mind. I don't want to lose my friend!' Her attention was drawn back to her friend, who shifted and gave out a small yawn. '...even if she is a little cutie pie.' She looked up at the sky. The sun was slowly dipping over the horizon sending tints of pink and gold across the sky. She was going to need some foal supplies before all the stores closed. She quickened her pace, taking care not to wake Dash.


Back at Fluttershy's cottage, a small white bunny was playing a game of poker in the kichen with three other rabbits. They were all sitting down at a small poker table which was fashioned out of a small cardboard box and duct tape. At the center was a pile of carrots on top as the prize. One of the rabbits held a smug look on his face. It took it's cards in his hand and placed them out in front of him. He had two kings and five queens. A full house. Seeing this, all the other rabbits threw down their cards in anger and frustration. Just as the lucky hare was about to collect his prize, he was stopped by a white paw. He looked up to see the white bunny who held a very large grin. The cards he had made the brown bunny's eyes swell to the size of dinner plates. He held all aces. Four-of-a-kind. The brown rabbit sat there in total shock as he watched the white bunny take his prize. The bunny held a similar smug grin and began munching on one of the carrots.
Suddenly, there was a sound of a door opening. "Angel I'm home! Where are you?" Hearing his name, the white bunny jumped out of his seat and hopped to the back door. He lifted the cat flap and motioned for all the other bunny's to leave. Moving as fast as they could, the other bunny's piled up all the poker cards inside the box and ran for the exit, handing Angel the prize carrots on their way out the door. Taking his heap of carrots, Angel opened a cabinet and stuffed them inside for later. When that was done, Angel hopped into the living room to see his owner, whose wings where in an odd position.
"There you are Angel," Fluttershy said to her pet bunny as he exited the kitchen. "I have something to show you." She motioned the small bunny to her wings. Curious, he hopped over to the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy leaned down opening her wings a bit so that he could see what she was carrying. It was a small Pegasus foal that looked barely a few months old. She had a messy rainbow mane and a sky blue coat. Angel glanced between the foal and Fluttershy for a few seconds before stepping back for an explanation. Fluttershy saw from his expression that he wanted an explanation. So she explained all of what happened earlier that day and what she planned to do with her. The rabbit's expression was neutral and nearly unreadable. "Okay Angel bunny," She said gently laying the pegasus down on the carpet. "I need you to stay here with Dashie and watch her while I go to the store and get some foal supplies, okay?" She said with a small smile. Angel just crossed his arms and turned away from the two, being his stubborn self.
"Oh please, Angel bunny?" Fluttershy pleaded, nudging Rainbow a bit closer to Angel. "She needs our help." The stubborn bunny took a sideways glance at the sleeping foal who cutely yawned and rolled over in her sleep. Sighing and rolling his eyes in defeat, he nodded. "Oh thank you!" Fluttershy exclaimed, giving Angel a small kiss on his forehead. Picking up the sleeping foal, she placed Rainbow Dash down on the couch and floated out the door. "I'll be back soon. I promise. Bye Angel." she shut the door behind her, leaving Angel and Dash alone. Angel shook his head in defeat and looked over to where Dash was napping. He hopped onto the couch. 'She looks pretty peaceful sleeping, better then her moving around,' he thought looking down at her.
Fate, the most cruelest of jokers, thought that this was the most oppertune moment for Rainbow Dash to wake up. Her eyes slowly opened and she let out a loud yawn, stretching out her body. Sitting up from her nap she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Wher' am I?" she thought out loud, letting out another yawn. Then the memories of the days events came flooding back. "Oh, yeah... I'm a baby... great." She looked to her left to see she was being stared at by Fluttershy's pet bunny, Angel. "Well 'bout time you woke up." Angel stated flatly. "Wait, you can tawk!?" Rainbow gasped, surprised at the bunny's ability to speak.
"Oh, so you can understand me? Well, that makes things a whole lot easier," he said, clapping his paws together.
"H-how is it I can now undewstand you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the rabbit. He paused for a minute rubbing his chin, thinking before answering. "Well, it could be that you're now a foal." Angel answered motioning his paw at her. This caused her to scratch her head.
"What does that have to do with anything?" she asked. Angel sighed and answered, "It could be possible that whatever changed you, may have changed part of your noggin'." He gently banged the side of his head. "But how-" she was cut off by a sudden cough. Something red flew out of her mouth and landed on the couch. Angel picked it up. "Yeah ya see, red poison joke." He tossed the leaf out of sight. "Huh... had an older cousin who got messed up by this stuff. Now he's the youngest in the family. Could be worse, I suppose- at least it's not green." He said, giving a shiver as the image of the effect popped into his head. Rainbow was surprised that he knew about it. "Do you know the cure?" she asked with a hopeful smile, silently pleading he would say yes. "Nope! There is no cure... not that I know of," he turned his back on her before continuing. "and you better hope this wears off soon or you could be stuck like this forever." Angel said. "What?! Why? How-" she asked, her eyes began to tearing up as she tried to grasp at what the bunny was saying. Angel lowered his head. "My cousin was normal at first. He just looked like a baby. Then he started acting like one, and eventually, after a month, it became permanent. He never aged, in his mind or body." He said turning back to Dash and saw tears flowing freely down her face. "Pewmanent?" she asked, a quiver in her voice, on the verge of breaking down.
"Hey, hey! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sure it'll wear off. I mean, my cousin was a bunny; not a pony. Just stop with the water works, ok?" Angel said not wanting to be on the recieving end of a balling foal. She sniffled and calmed down, wiping away her tears. "Yeah your wight! Crying won't get me anywher'!" Angel breathed a sigh of relief at the close call. Then, a sudden thought crossed his mind. "Hey, do you wanna go have some 'fun' before Fluttershy comes back?" he asked, a grin making its way to his face. Rainbow Dash gave a big smile and replied "Fun? Hay yes! It's bowing sittin' here" Angel made an evil grin. "Then, let the fun commence!"

Her little RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now