"Ok fine" he said laughing "So I guess everyone's gonna meet us at the house around 8 then we'll leave for the party" he said 

"I guess so, lets get home so you can get cleaned up" I said he laughed then we walked to the car and drove to the house, when we got there I went upstairs 

"Where are you going" Isaac said 

"To take a shower, why?" I said turning around to face him 

"I need to take a shower too" he said smiling 

"Then use the one in your room" 

"Come on let me take a shower with you" he begged 

"Nope maybe next time" I said walking to my room 

"I'm gonna hold you to that" he said and I shook my head and went into the room, I got in the shower  and when I got out I curled my hair and put on the outfit I got. I walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs into the living room and Isaac was sitting on the couch "Close your eyes" I said covering them 

"Ok" Smiling against my hands

I walked in front of him "Ready"

"Yea" He said with the smile still on his face

"Ok then open" He opened them and his mouth was hanging open "So how do I look?" 

"You look amazing" I smiled then blushed then the door rang, I walked to it and opened and everyone looked at me 

"Wow Alicat you look beautiful" Tim said

"Thank you Timmy, all you guys look really good too, come in" I moved and everyone entered walking to the living room 

"Hey guys, you ready to go" Isaac said 

"Yea" everyone said at the same time.

We walked out of the house and down the street to Hunters house. When we got there it smelled like sweat, beer, and smoke. Those combnation of smells  burned my throat and it got worse when I walked into the house. I did not want to be around that many people so I went into the backyard where there was hardly any people then Isaac came out with a beer and water, I grabbed the water from him and started drinking it 

"I am not about to go no where near a beer or alcoholic drink" I said looking at the beer in disgust 

"Ok, but you don't know what you're missing"

"I'll take my chances" I said 

"You wanna dance pretty girl" Isaac said holding out his hand 

"Sure" I took his hand and we went onto the dance floor then until the end of time by Justin timberlake and Beyonce played and we slowed danced to it then I started singing along to it. When I finished Isaac kissed my cheek "That was beautiful" he whispered in my ear

"Thank you" then we walked back inside and Isaac went to get another drink, I shook my head and went into the living room and sat down then I saw Jenni grinding all over John, they saw me and walked over 

"Hey girl why are you sitting here by yourself?" Jenni asked half sober 

"I'm waiting for Isaac, don't worry about me go dance with your boy toy" I smiled and she left dancing and stumbling I giggled then sat there for awhile then I had to use the restroom, so I got up and went to the restroom, when I came out Isaac was standing there "Hey baby" I said 

"Hi sexy" Isaac slurred that's when I knew he was drunk 

"Isaac you're drunk" I said trying to go around him then he grabbed my arm 

"Hey where do you think you're going" he said 

"Away from you, you smell like alcohol" he tightened the grip on my arm 

"No you're not" he had a death grip on my arm and I don't think he even realized it

"Isaac let go of my arm, you're hurting me" I said 

"Aww I'm sorry" he let go of my arm then slapped me across the face. I was trying so hard not to cry, so I just walked away from him then he pulled my hair "I didn't tell you, you could leave"

"Isaac let go of my hair" I said choking on tears, then he kneed me in the back and I fell to the ground he started kicking me in the side and in the arm I screamed in pain then he stopped and walked away. I got up slowly and walked downstairs and out the front door. I walked all the way home in pain and when I got there I opened the door and slammed it shut and slid my back to it and cried when I could control myself I got up walked up to my room and looked at myself in the mirror and saw the bruises on my arm and I took off my dress and saw the big foot print in my back I put my pj's on and climbed into bed and cried myself to sleep

My Enemy and IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora