Chapter 3. Fighting a Minotaur and seeing his eyes

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Andrea POV

Ugh I should told one of the Olympians to teleport me to Camp Half-Blood. I'm a fucking lazy person and they know that, so a big fuck you goes up to you guys. I then heard lightning strike, well I guess Zeus heard me.

Anyways I'm almost at Camp Half-Blood and I'm hoping to see all of my friends and maybe make some new ones. I also hope that that Percy guy is there he is so cute. Ugh I need to stop acting so girly, like Aphrodite's kids are. Well I think it'll take me about 10 more minutes to get there.

~*~Time Skip 10 Minutes~*~

I was right it took about 10 fucking minutes to get here. Well at least no monsters attacked me... Wait spoke too soon, there is a huge Minotaur coming towards me. Ah shit why me?!? I take out my bow called λιακάδα, It means Sunshine in Greek. (I used google translate so it might not be right.) I shot one of my sonic arrows, they play loud music, and it hurts the monsters' ears.

The arrow landed on the ground near the monster and it roared. Yeah I said 'it' because I have no clue if it's a girl or a guy I mean I'm not looking to see if it has a dick or not.

It started stumbling towards me with its huge ass feet. Well the arrow didn't work as well as I thought it would. The thing about Minotaurs are that they have terrible eyesight but have a great sense of smell. Fuck it must've smelled me. I guess I'll have to really fight it.

I shot a regular arrow at it hoping that it would make it turn into fucking gold pixie dust. But today I guess luck is not on my side because the Minotaur broke my fucking arrow. What an ass it's lucky I have extra arrows in my pouch.

I decided that I would have it charge at me then move at the last second because it can't turn that fast and it will get its horns stuck in a tree. Let's hope that this plan of mine will work. If it doesn't I'm gonna mentally beat myself up.

I stand there as confidently as I can while silently praying to all the gods that my plan will work. It soon charges at me and a second before it hits me I jump out of the way. The Minotaur hits the tree and gets its horns stuck in the tree. It tries to get them out and while it's distracted I jump on its back. It roars its mighty roar. I grab one of its horns and I yank it as hard as I can. It comes free and he soon gets his other horn free. Oh shit, he got his other horn free. Well I act very quickly I stab him in the middle of his head. He soon turns into gold pixie dust.

Then I remember that I was on top of his head and I fall down several feet. I feel a lot of my bones break. The last thing I see is the beautiful sea green eyes that have been in my dreams for a while now, Percy. I then black out as he picks me up.

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