I can't just call one of my children I have to call all three of them because they get very jealous I don't know how that happened but it is what it is I love them so much. 

Calling Otto

Hey, mother, I was just about to call you. I talked to Zoe and she told me that she and Espen are getting back together.  I am kind of glad and I hope it workes out for them this time Espen just got to keep his dick in his pants.  It is sad that the baby passed but I think this was for the better all the way around. So you talked to her? Yes. Did she sound happy or what or just going through some kind of a motion? I asked her if she sure and she said that she is not sure about anything anymore.  So how is your family doing these days? Everyone is fine thanks for asking. Man, wait until I tell Mary about what is going on with Zoe she is going to be pissed because she and Silver tried to tell her the type of man he is and because Mary saw him out with a woman a couple of times. Was it always the same woman?  Yes, Mary said it was the same woman each time. Damn, that is messed up. Why didn't anyone ever tell Zoe about this woman? Because no one wanted to hurt her and we were not sure about what was going on with him and this woman. Was she black? No, she was Asian or Native American I really am not sure of what she was. But every time they saw them they in the mall with a small child. Do you think that that child is his? Shit, I don't know. I think Zoe need to know about this before she let him back into her life. This might be his child. Maybe we all need to go over to Zoe's house and have a talk with her. Let's get a time where we can all meet over there with her. Otto, you bring Zoe a bottle of nice wine ok mother. Please call me once we get the time right so that we can talk to her this is very serious. Are you all coming over for Christmas?  Yes, mother. Please don't bring any alcoholic beverages.

Otto is calling me

Hi baby how are you doing? We are all doing just fine nothing to complain about. So I talked to everyone and we are all supposed to meet at Zoe's after work which is at five p.m. That's sounds good. And where is Espen? He is still in China cleaning up and getting ready to come back to the states. Did you tell her what we all wanted to talk to her about? I just said we wanted to talk about her and Espen's relationship. She said why that is her personal problem. I told her that this was something else and it was very important. Something that she needed to know before she continues to move forward with her life.  So she said we can talk while the girls are out. Where are they going to be? Valley has got her a job at the lunch bucket and Napa has to go to the library she has some unfinished work she has to turn in before Christmas break.  Ok, I will see you when I get off of work. Love you. Love you to mother.  

At Zoe's house

I got there first and the house looks like she bought everything new everything looks nice I told her. Thank you, mother. So what is everyone coming over here to talk to me about mother? (just then the doorbell rings) It was Mary, Silver, and Otto. Otto bought a bottle of wine like I asked him to which is good because Zoe is going to need it. So now that everyone has said their helloes we can talk. Silver just started talking without warning. Zoe your husband has another child here in the states with an Asian or Native American woman. I had seen him with her a couple of times together with this boy that looks to be about twelve years of age. Do you know if the child is his? Yes, I look for the women and found her and told her that I was a newspaper reporter and I was doing a piece on Americans teaching abroad. She was happy to answer my questions she said her husband had been married for thirteen years and they had a son and his name was Espen Jr. and her husband was in China and he said he can't wait to see me and Espen Jr. He said he will be back in January she said.  Who else knows shit that I don't know. I am so sorry said Mary about all of this I use to see them in the mall and then all of a sudden you and he and the children moved to China and I didn't see them anymore. I should have told you I am so sorry I don't know what else to say please forgive me for not telling you. Did you know Otto? No, I didn't Mary told me when you told us you were going to get back with him. And we wanted you to know this before you went any further. When is he suppose to be back anyway said Silver? He said he will be here on Sunday. Wow said mother so he will be here in five days. Yes said, Zoe.  Otta said what are you going to do?  I am going to continue the divorce proceedings. Did he know that you were filling for a divorce? No, I didn't get the chance to tell him after he told me about the death of the child and he was so sorry about what he had did and he wanted his family back.  So he expects to come here like everything is just fine? Yes. Silver said when are you going to tell him about everything you know? You need to tell him before he thinks he can come back here like he is a good man that cheating ass dog. I am going to call him after yall leave.  I need a way to talk to the women that he is married to. Should I do that mother? No, she might say you are lying and she might call the police and say that you are bothering her let's just wait ok. You just tell the girls and tell them that they have a brother name Espen Jr. (Zoe is crying and Silver and Otto are holding her.) Do you want us to stay here with you tonight? Yes. Can all of you stay? Yes. I will have Heidi and Otta get a cab over her ok and to bring some overnight clothes.  We can order something to eat there is a German restaurant over here and they got some good food. Thanks, everyone for supporting me I need all of you right now. Silver said let me have the shit beat out of him please Zoe? No Silver that will just cause more problems. I will get him with the power of the paper and pen. Silver can you please call Hollister and have him to come over with Alina, Hanna,  Corinna, and Jezell? Why? Because I want my entire family with me if that is ok with you Silver. Sure I will call him now and have them to come over and bring some night clothes.  (Mother asked Zoe) Are you alright? I am fine now that I have my family. Does Hollister know any of this Silver? No. So can you please tell them said, Zoe. Sure. It will mean a lot to me if everyone knows what is going on we are family. This food is good I like it. What is it called?  It is Sauerbraten a pot roast which was prepared with lamb and beef. It is traditionally prepared with horse meat. But I had them use lamb and beef for use. Have you ever ate it with horse? No. Where are the children? They are in the other room wondering what is and why we are all here on a weeknight? Are you sure you don't want to tell you girls first said Silver? I want to tell everyone together they are going to need you all also not just me. They need their family support at a time like this. Ok said, mother. 

Telling the Family

Zoe thanked her family for coming to her time of need. And she begins to talk well girls family my husband has another child here in the states with an Asian or Native American woman. Silver had seen him with her a couple of times together with this boy that looks to be about twelve years of age. Do you know if the child is his? Yes, he is. So, mother, I have a brother said Valley and Napa. Yes, you do. How did you find out about her? Your auntie looked for the women and found her and told her that she was a newspaper reporter and she was doing a piece on Americans teaching abroad. She was happy to answer my questions she said she had been married to her husband for thirteen years and they had a son and his name was Espen Jr. and her husband was in China and he said he can't wait to see me and Espen Jr. He said he will be back in January she said.  Dam mother he is a bigamist. I hate him for this mother he just messed up our family really bad. I want to talk to him mother please said Valley. You will get to but not right now ok.  Are you alright Napa? No mother my father is so full of it I want to hurt him real bad. He just hurt our entire family. Everything was going so great now all of this. I need to talk to him. Napa ran into her room crying. Do anyone else have anything to say? Well, I am ready to go to bed it is late.

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