⚜ Sapphire Wishes

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Krul knew that she couldn't escape this one. Did she even have any allies? Friends?

No. She doesn't have anyone now. No one would risk their life for her.

But maybe she didn't want to escape. Maybe she can finally stop playing this game that was forced upon her. Maybe she can finally leave the game board now. Maybe....

Her thoughts were interrupted by the grand entrance of a group of nobles. They had always traveled in a group, like a pack of hyenas, attached to those who have power. In the center of the crowd was Lest Karr. His glaringly obvious bi-colored hair seemed to burn at Krul's eyes, who looked on from high above. The former Queen squinted her eyes from her wooden pole.

As much hatred was in her heart for Lest Karr, she has to admit she was also sympathetic toward him. Krul knows the exact situation that he is in. As the Lord, he will never be able to show a sign of weakness. Although he acts like he's on friendly terms with everyone, he actually has no friends or allies. During her reign as Queen, she had never rested without constantly being aware of her surroundings. She had always express authority. Never was she allowed to express emotions. However, the one who wears the crowns bears the crown. It's the price those with power has to pay in exchange for authority.

But Lest Karr didn't mind the pressure it seemed. He acts like he belonged in the crowd, belonged in the center. He sneered and smirked at those around him, not minding their hungry stares at him. The boy nodded to someone in the crowd and cleared his voice.

"I'm glad you all came to join us. The execution of Krul Tepes's punishment will begin momentarily and resume for 10 days, according to her sentence. This punishment will be supervised by the Fifth Progenitor, Ky Luc." With that, Lest Karr sat down on a makeshift throne brought to him by the servants.

Pretending to be a Lord everywhere he goes, even on her territory.

The nobles applauded as a young man from the crowd waved.

That must be Ky Luc. The man had reddish-brown hair paired with a coat of the same color. His eyes held a mischievous look with a dash of madness. Dangerous. Krul recognized that look in the eyes of the most dangerous nobles. She could see those eyes in Ferid Bathory, and even in herself sometimes. Those eyes meant danger.

Ky Luc jumped from the deck onto the left arm of the wooden cross. He landed lightly on the wood, barely making a sound. If Krul hasn't been attentive, she wouldn't even had notice his presence. Dangerous. All her instincts told her to leave, to escape. But she couldn't. She had no motivation or strength to fight back.

"Hello, Your Highness. Such a shame to meet you for the first time in such a position. I've never expected you to lose to Ferid Bathory. A mere Seventh Progenitor. Quite honestly, I was shocked at the news. But thanks to your failure, I get to have a little fun. It's been a long time since I've been to Japan. Immorality does bring infinite boredom, doesn't it?" the Fifth Progenitor said. He smiled at her, a smile guaranteeing mischief.

"Immorality does make us pay a price, indeed. But if you assist me, I promise you more entertainment than that child of a Progenitor could ever offer you. Assist me."

"Aha! Indeed, my Queen!" Ky Luc laughed.

However little, it did please Krul that he didn't use the term 'Former' Queen. Maybe she did have an ally now.

"You tempt me, my Queen. However, look below you. You see all those hungry nobles? They look at you like starving dogs. They yearn for a show, Your Highness. They show such loyalty don't you think?"

A noble that is eager for entertainment is the easiest, yet the hardest, to deal with.

"Am I still your Queen, Ky Luc?" Maybe he could hear the real question in her voice, see it in her tired eyes. Are you an ally?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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