Chapter 10: Dreams Proove Confusing or The Forgotten Light

Start from the beginning

"Sandy, somebody! Help!"

The one who had initially started singing grabbed Jack's face, forcing him to look into her eyes. "I can tell you the truth!" She sang, her slimy hands squeezing his cheek, "But all truth comes with a price."

Another chuckled darkly, "And that truth will cost you your life!"

Just then there was a wip of sand that flew through the air. It struck one of the sirens, making them hiss. They all looked up in anger, but that quickly changed to fear. Letting out a scream that was in sharp contrast to their voice they jumped away, letting Jack go and disappearing into the sea. Jack turned and saw Sandy, floating above in a cloud. In his hand was Twinetender which he swirled playfully smiling at the spirit below him.

He held out it out, and Jack took it, stumbling through the water to the island. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you, little man." He groaned.


The Sandman plopped onto a silk pillow that floated on a cloud of sand, the sheets and curtains blowing in the air as if in the wind. A chair formed behind Jack. His friend waved to it with a nod, but Jack shook his head.

"No thanks." He answered turning in aw at the room. "This is amazing."

Sandy lived in a cove probably designed by his own imagination. Gold columns held up a swirling ceiling that danced with changing pictures. The little man shrugged absently then rested his head in his palm. A question mark appeared above his head.

"Oh! Right, I need a favor." Jack walked up to his friend. "A couple of days ago I happened to be hit by your dream sand, and as you can imagine, I fell asleep."

Sandy lips curled into an amused smiled.

"Only, when I slept I didn't dream the way I thought...I saw something, like a memory?"

His friend frowned now, leaning back on the satin pillow as he watched Jack.

"I was wondering if some memories can't be found by Tooth, some that exist somewhere beyond that point and in my dreams. Is that possible?"

Jack shifted under Sandman's scrutinizing gaze. Unblinking and almost frightening. He knew the little man was friendly and kind, but he also powerful. He did NOT want to get on his bad side.

The Sandman's gaze didn't change for a moment then he nodded once.

"Then can you help me?" Jack said, clenching and unclenching his fist as he tried to contain his excitement.

Sandy lifted his head and leaned back thoughtfully. Jack counted the seconds of silence, too afraid to speak and at the same time also excited to withhold himself. The little man finally gave a confirmative nod. Jack jumped wrapping his friend in a hug.The Guardian tapped him on the back smiling. Sandy was the first and only Guardian that ever saw Jack as he truly was. His first friend, or at least ally in this world.

Finally pulling away Sandy waved his hand making a large silk pillow appear. He pointed to it, and Jack sat. He did what he was told, for the first time willing to be ordered around. As soon he closed his eyes he felt a wave of sand him, and everything dissolved into the black.


The landscape of his mind was almost blank. It was black for as far as the eyes could see. And floating around in the space of his mind was thousands of glowing bubbles, each different in size and color. Some rolled around his feet, making the sound of bells when he accidentally kicked on. "Hello."

Jack swirled around to find himself face to face with a strange glowing specter, its hair floated around its head like mist on a rainy day.

"What are you?" Jack blinked, trying to break his aw struck stare.

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