2. Right now

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It has been a year and a half since we entered college. I am living with Grey in his house that he has close to the college. I didn't give him an answer but then he asked my mom. She said absolutely but in one condition, that I pay rent. Grey said no but my mom said then she buys groceries and he said still no but then my mom somehow convinced him. We are almost done with college anyway. Just a few more weeks and we graduate. We are states away from where our parents live. I am home studying and Grey is taking a shower. He got out with only a towel wrapped around his. . . parts.

"Can you put on some clothes or maybe even a shirt! Please." I yell laughing. He flips his hair and gives me that attractive crooked smile.

"We have been dating for 2 years and you still get like this every time. Can you get used to it already?" he said with a smile. I didn't even look at him. I have a test tomorrow and I need to study. More like cram. He sighs loudly and walk towards me. He sits next to me and looks at what I am studying. We both have different majors. His is Business and mine is English. If you don't remember I wrote romance back in high school but very briefly.

"It is easy! You speak it all the time." He says. I look at him stupidly.

"You know I also speak Spanish. Yet it is always hard. And it's not just speaking it, it's also literary." I explain. He just looks at me and smiles kindly.

"You know; you are so sexy when you explain stuff." He said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. He closed my laptop and pushes it away. I look at him and was about to yell at him but then he looks at me with those eyes that are always hypnotizing. He leans in and kisses me. He places his hand on my neck and pulls me close. I was going to push him away but then I got distracted by his upper body. He pushes me down on the bed and he is on top caging me. All of this is making me hungry. I push him away and got off the bed.

"Where are you going, beautiful?" he asks. I turn back to him and respond.

"Going to the kitchen, I was hungry by just looking at you." I growled. He laughed.

"Well you can come and eat-" he said but I interrupted.

"NO, and never. I am going to cheat on you with food. You can join if you want." I explained. I walked off a few steps. But he said something.

"It was joke Celine! I just wanted to let you know." He said.

"Hilarious." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and fell into the bed staring up into the ceiling. I head down stairs and go to the kitchen. This house is huge. It has many rooms, huge living room, 3 bathrooms, gym, pool, everything you could imagine. And all for the price of just paying groceries. And Grey is paying for everything.

I look into the fridge and see what we have. I just stocked everything yesterday so we got options. I see we got milk and bananas and peanut butter. I was now craving a peanut butter sandwich with a banana milk shake. It was so silent here. I connect my phone and blast music. People always judge my music just because I don't listen to rap. I listen to Latin. It is stereo typical but its enjoyable.

"MR WORLD WIDE! WOOOO WOOOO" I yell out imitating Pitbull. I yell out and start to dance but then someone poked me. I jump so hard I am at the moon. I turn to see Grey.

"Grey you scared me!" I yelled at him. He didn't hear me by my music. I stopped my music and yelled at him.

"Grey you scared me!" I yelled at him. He laughed at me. He looked at me up and down with hungry eyes. I was wearing my underwear with one of his t-shirts that are big on me and messy bun. And most of all, no bra. I don't know what he found sexy in this.

"Don't you dare say I look hot. Because I don't. I am at my most ratchet. I am not even wearing make-up!" I explain to him. He was eyeing me like a tiger looking at him meat.

"But you do. I love this. It is just so cute, so you." He said. He walked up to me and hugged me tight. I stood there awkwardly not even knowing what to say. I couldn't find the words for this moment. I was just blushing at the fact that he said that. I hug him back and there we were. But then we heard the door rattle. The door was swung open and my heart beat increased. We were getting braked in.

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