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I would like to give my recomendations. For most of these characters do not belong to me they belong to Tui T. Sutherland author of: wings of fire ( the best book series ever writen) however I did also add in a few of my own oc s. Hope you like it :)

Wind wistled through the holes in the walls of the NightWing's luna hatchery in a cave on top of a mountain bathed in moon light. A nest of two eggs sat below a large hole in the caves roof alowing the moon's light to flood in covering the eggs in its silver trendils. One of the eggs had already turned silver but for some reason the other remained black hiden by the shadows.
"What's wrong with it?" a voice hissed from outside the darkness "nothing's wrong with it!" another protested. This one sounded female this time. "We should have taken them back to the ice kingdom to hatch!" the other said. "What...? so they could freeze the moment they came out?!" this time the female sounded rather infuriated. "They wouldn't freeze. They're part IceWing remember!" the other scoffed.
The light of the three moon's called him fourth from the darkness, offering it's power to him and he wanted that power he wanted it all. Was this the start of his power mad quest for glory?
Visions flashed through his mind, visions that he did not yet understand, visions of his parents, visons of his sibling next to him who was curled inside her egg. He reached for her mind but only found peace she did not feel the desprate erge too break free. 'Come with me, let the moon light flood through your sales, wrap you in it's wings. Let it share it's power with you and I.' that's what he wished he could say to her but he didn't know the words... yet.
He kicked out at the darkness and to his satisfaction his talons racked againts the walls that consumed him. He kicked again and a satisfying crack filed his dark haven. He kiked again and again and again until the walls fell away.
Moon light flooded in all to quickly for him, offering it's power to him and he took it. His eyes flickered open, adjusting to the light. There was a face, he knew was his mother and another peaking over her shoulder, scales as pale as the three moons, Snarling furiously must be his father.
He didn't have to look at his scales to know he belonged with her. "Look at it there's not a spot of IceWing anywhere!"  father hissed
"oh shut up!" mother said then wacked his father in the side with her tail. "Darkstalker hello darling" she said holding out her talons and he willingly climbed into them.
'Those are my moons and this is my world now'

Chapter 1
Clearsight's P.O.V

Scroles littered the floor of Clearsight's little room in the library. The librarian (Skycaller) had gotten sick of Clearsight's scroles all over the place and given Clearsight her own little room, where she could study her visions all she wanted.
Scroles were spread out on a large table in the middle of the room. They were coated in messy talon writing, so many time lines intwining with one another. Some with the worse possible futures imaginable, some where she was happy, some where she was sad.
Visions flashed through Clearsight's mind, vision where she started school the next day. They seemed most likely and visions of the far future with her's and Darkstalker's dragonets; Eclipse, Shadowhunter and there was one more but she didn't have a name... yet
Clearsight dipped her talons in an ink well and began writing down what she had just seen, she needed to keep note of this it was important. This was the future she watnted with nothing bad in it everythig was right in this one.
The door flung open and an ebony black dragon steped inside with a concerned look on his face. "Clearsight, darling are you still studying?" he asked "yes father" she replied "I have to make sure everything is right for tomorrow."
"Oh Clearsight" he sighed "why dose it really matter what you do?" he asked truly puzzled. If only he understood, if only he had these powers, if only he'd seen the things she'd seen, what might happen if she did something wrong, made the wrong decision, hung out with the wrong dragon. If only he knew.
"It does. Ok. It just does" Clearsight fially answered with a deep sigh. Her father returned her sigh and walked out the door. "Just come home soon" he said then disappeared. Clearsight had a vision of the conversation she just had with her father a few days gefore it hapened. She had decided to see if she could make it longer in order to test weather or not she really had controll over the future.
A ting of doubt flooded through Clearsight. If she couldn't controll one little future how would she controll the larger ones? what would happen if she lost controll entirely?
Ravines and canons spread across the night kingdom like a giant dragon had racked it's talons across the ground tearing it apart. Clearsight's small but cousy home lay tucked in one of the smaller ravines in the middle section where average classed dragons dwelled. It wasn't as close to the stars as she would of liked, but at least she wasn't trapped at the bottom surrounded by the lonely darkness.
Schools so close. He's so close now. Her mind kept screaming. Remember get there early, avoid him for as long as posible. No sappy goodbyes they'll slow you down, land on the other side of school just incase he's waiting for you. THREE MOONS!!!, Clearsight stop panicking! Am I panicking? No your just nervous. Yes that's it nervous. Clearsight thought as her eyes began feeling heavier and heavier untill she was sucked into a vision filled sleep, all of which she had seen before.
Clearsight woke the next morning feeling like she hadn't sleept in a hundred years. She let out a long groan before forcing herself off her bed hury up she told herself or the very thing your trying desperately to avoid will happen...

There was no time for sappy good byes as Clearsight shoved a hawk into her mouth and rushed out the door. She watched the ravines zip by bellow her as she beat her wings on a steady course to school.

A/n: what do y'all think? Sorry for any typos or mistakes i will probably post 2 chapters a part and it's unlikely that I'll update oftern so don't get your hopes up! And i may make some fanart and put it in here also this is my first wof fanfic so yeah...

Darkstalker and ClearsightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora