Ready To Go (Get Me Out Of My Mind)

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The rest of the day was a haze, I stumbled through my classes, my mind far from here. I couldn't even bare being with Korey, so I skipped out on my study hall and walked home. My mom wouldn't be home for a few more hours so I could be left alone. And I was left alone... for about 30 minutes and then Korey called me.

"Hey man, where were you? I waited like 20 minutes for you. You okay man?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. It's been an eventful day." I managed to get out.

"Dude, what happened? Did you find your soulmate? Dude! Did you?" Korey asked.

"How did you know when you and she-who-must-not-be-named were soul-mates?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"UGH! Why do you bring her up?"

"Why do you act like you hate her? I mean it's fate for you to get together so why do you think she's the devil?"

"SHE IS THE DEVIL! But to answer your first question, it was probably when we were fighting in the school yard and she pushed me down and I skinned my arm and a second later the same mark was on her arm."

"Oh," was all I could say. "So, like, no sped up heart beat? No butterflies? No nothing?"

"Nah man, but it is probably different for everyone. I mean I am no romantic. You will probably have your heart beat out of your chest like in cartoons."

I let out a fake laugh, "funny, Korey, really. Do you think you could come over? I have a few questions."

Korey laughed. "What's so funny," I insisted.

"I've been in your driveway for at least ten minutes waiting for you to invite me in."

Korey and I talked for a bit, but I still didn't tell him about Troye.

"The whole soulmate thing is kinda..." Korey began.


"Um, what? Who?" He was a little taken back by the question.

"Troye Sivan. You know, that kid Alfie was beating on earlier." I said sheepishly.

"Oh, um, he seems cool. Never said more that two words to me, not that I tried to keep a conversation with him either. Why do you ask?"

"Oh well I was just wondering why Alfie hates him so much."

Korey lowered his voice, "you wanna know what I heard? I heard Troye is gay."

I just stared blankly at Korey, who's face got bright red. "NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT! My uncle is gay and he's way cooler than my dad! It's just weird, you know? Not being gay or anything that's totally normal, it's just weird that Alfie hates him so much.... WHAT IF THEY ARE SOULMATES? Oh god that would be perfect, Alfie's vocabulary mainly is made up of the word "faggot" it would be perfect if he is one!"

"Korey don't say that word."

Korey stopped laughing, "dude are you okay? Is something wrong?"

I let out a long, deep sigh. "Korey you're my friend no matter what right?"

"Of course man."

"I... I think Troye is my soulmate..."

Korey just starred at me for a moment, then got up from his chair and sat on the couch next to me. "Tyler, did you honestly think I wouldn't be your friend anymore? Dude, I will still be your best friend when we are dead, we will be cool ghost buds, man."

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