Rise and Fall of a Star: Chp. 1

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Inuyasha looked over at Kagome and smiled. It was the morning after they had made love. He watched her sleep, comparing her to an angel. He was just sorry that she would be hurting soon. Kagome stretched and woke, turning to look at him, she smiled. He faked a smile and stood. She beckoned him over and they made love. He vowed to give her this day and they spent it making love and holding one another. Come the next morning, she would wake alone.

A letter rested on her pillow, Kagome looked at it confused. All the letter read was; 'Darling, I'm sorry but there is something I have to do. I don't know how long I'll be gone. Don't wait for me. I need to do this. Forgive me but if I don't, I'll regret it. Inuyasha'

Tears spilled down her cheeks. All along something had told her he didn't truly love her. Two hours later she got out of bed. She didn't need him. She glared at the clock and sighed. She was late for her competition.

Sango stood and hurried over to her. "Kagome, you look as though you've been crying"

"I have, he left me as you said he would."

Sango hugged and then whisked her to the dressing room. An hour later Kagome walked onto the stage and picked up the microphone. She sang a different song than what she had originally chose. Once she finished, cheers erupted around her. She bowed and left the stage heading to her dressing room. She sat in there staring at the mirror. An hour later, Sango showed up to her dressing room.

"Kagome! You won the competition. They are going to make you a star." Sango chattered happily. "You must come. Sesshoumaru wants to see you."

Listlessly Kagome looked up at Sango. Sango sighed. "Kagome, let him go. Once he sees your CDs, he will be back begging your forgiveness."

Kagome nodded. "You're right Sango. Only he won't know it's me." She got up and headed out the door with Sango following her.

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