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She felt the weight of the world upon her shoulders and the weight of her little brother in her arms.

They killed him... he's dead!

Thoughts raced Jazz's head as she buried her face in his white hair. She sobbed and hoped maybe he would come back this time.

This is not a human death, idiot. He's not coming back.

The thought that, that she could think that and it be completely normal made her feel sick. She should've made Danny tell them before their parents got so obsessed. They didn't even care they shot their own son!

"Jazzy-pants? Why are you cry? He's nothing but an ectoplasmic scum." There was confusion and concern that laced her father's tone of voice.

Her mother made a move towards her and her little brother, to console her eldest child and to remove the body of the ghost child from her embrace.

"Stay away! Don't touch us!" She screamed at them her voice hoarsed from crying.

"Sweetie, we need to get rid of the things body." Jazz winced at her mother's words.

He's not a thing, you stupid women! All he ever wanted to was help people and this is what he gets in return?!

Instead of just thinking those thoughts she decided to scream it at them.

"Jasmine Fenton! You have no right to talk to us like that, and all ghost are evil!"

"Even your son?" She could taste the bitterness in her voice and even though it was just a mutter she could tell her parents heard her.

"What does Danny have to do with this?"

"You killed Danny! D-Danny's dead b-because of you." She lost the confidence she once held as her voice broke and she started to sob once again.

He's not coming back... not coming back...

She felt overwhelmed by her thoughts and her emotions were to powerful for to stand. All the rage, and the sadness was just to much. She just wanted to sleep and never wake up. Maybe she would reconcile with Danny then.

Where would he go? Ghost zone? Heaven, if there is one?

"Honey, I don't know what that scum has put in her head but that's not Danny." Maddie had so much sweetness in her voice and it bothered Jazz as her rage grew.

"Not Danny? How stupid are you two! How come you never seen them in the same place then? Why Danny fails and is always late to class? Why he always asks to go to bathroom and comes back a lot later then needed be with bruises." Jazz practically growled out. She clenched her fists. Her ectoplasm covered fists.

She didn't even let her parents answer as she picked up his body and walked out of Fenton Works and processed to call Danny's friends.

Tucker was first, and then it was Sam.

Maddie and Jack stayed right in the comfort of their own home waiting for their son to come back from his girlfriends and for their daughter to come back when she felt better, but they never did.

Only then, when they realized they lost Jazz they also lost Danny, because Phantom really was Danny.

Realizing their mistake Maddie let out a pained sob and was comforted by her husband who when she looked up was crying as well.

That made it sink in anymore, he really was dead. Just because they wouldn't listen to him.

They lost both their children in one night because of a huge mistake.


Clockwork sighed as he watched the scenes play out in front of him.

There was nothing he could do about it this time. Daniel would be dead by midnight tonight. This was the best time line for everyone.

"All as it should be..." He struggled as he changed back into a toddler.

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