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First Time

How to brew a lust potion.

Harry had to know. He didn’t care what this was going to do to him, he didn’t care that it was going to ruin his reputation and probably destroy his future career. Right now all he cared about was that he had to know.

He had to know if what he was feeling was something that he really was or if it was just an aftereffect of having two, if he was honest, rather terrible relationships.

Now, he should have known that Cho was never going to be the love of his life. Her boyfriend had just died and Harry was there. Then there was Ginny. They both agreed that they really hadn’t felt that spark of connection, but it was more that they had the right parts and they were relatively close in geography.

But now…

Now Harry was wondering all sorts of things.

Like was it normal to fantasize about a cock ramming in his throat?

Was it normal to daydream about being stretched open and begging for the man behind him to claim him?

Was it normal for Draco Malfoy to come to him in his dreams every night and snuggle up close?

Harry didn’t know. He was terrified asking Ron or Hermione. Ron was still a bit techy after Harry and Ginny’s breakup and Hermione…well she never said that she was always going to be on Ron’s side, but she really didn’t jump up to defend Harry when Ron had first found out. Hermione actually suggested that Harry go and sort out Grimmauld Place for the summer just until “things blow over.”

So his friends were out. And it wasn’t like he was going to be able to walk up to a boy and ask for a fuck. If anything, after killing Voldemort, he was even more famous. He really didn’t need a lusty seventh year blabbing all over the world that Harry Potter was gay. And if he was even more brutally honest with himself, there was only one person he wanted to try this with and that person would never agree to sleeping with him if he just went up and asked.

So a lust potion was the only way to go.

It took two weeks and finally the potion was finished. Harry had to brew it up in the girl’s bathroom with Myrtle, but the ghost was never there unless she brought her ghost boyfriend with her. That was when a good silence charm made Harry weep with joy.

The potion was a faint gold, the book hadn’t really said how much of the potion the drinker was supposed to take so Harry had made a full cauldron and bottled it into eight little vials. He’d nearly given it all up when the instructions had read An antidote is unnecessary with this particular potion. When the drinker reaches completion all effects will cease to exist. He couldn’t believe that he was actually going to do this. He was essentially going to get dubious consent and then get his brains shagged out and then get left because of the sheer horror he was inflicting. He was never going to get forgiven for this.

But then he looked across the table…and oh how he wanted.

But Harry Potter was nothing but a realist, he was never going to get to sleep with Draco Malfoy, so he was going to have to rely on potions. And he was only going to do it once. That was all it was going to take, he’d give the other bottles to Ron or something, claim that he confiscated them from a fourth year. Ron’d be so happy with the potions he wouldn’t really think to ask too many questions.

For a week Harry tried to figure out exactly how he was going to get Draco to drink the potion. Finally, on Friday night the opportunity quite literally fell into his lap.

They all shared eighth year dorms, so few had come back that they all didn’t need their own separate houses. And for some, like Draco, they were seen as blood traitors and it wasn’t safe for them in their own houses. And surprisingly he’d bonded with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The dude was a super nerd, he read all the time and was excited about potions and spells so that won him Hermione. He gave his old brooms to Ron in apology for everything so the redhead was on his side. And Harry was in love with him so Draco fit into their little group nicely.

The 7 Times Harry Used A Lust Potion And The One Time He Did Not Where stories live. Discover now