I walked towards the table, and the others all quickly took their seats. I addressed everyone, "Thank you all for coming. Both planets approached me to act as a mediator between your chosen representatives, and I am pleased to let you know that they have come up with a proposal." I nodded to the six representatives who were standing in front of the table and said, "If you could please explain the proposal?"

Technically, I had steered the negotiations, but giving credit to the representatives, as well as emphasizing that these were the people they had personally chosen, would make the leaders more willing to accept it without trying to change things.

I watched the six take turns speaking as if they were all good friends now. I kept my expression attentive, as if this was the first time I was hearing it. All of the leaders were closely listening to the various agreements, what each planet would be doing, and how it would help both planets.

It took a solid hour, as several leaders asked questions, debated, and made a few tweaks, but the agreement was eventually signed. I felt like sighing in relief now that the torturous marathon of being patient was over. The troublesome man hadn't said a single word and had signed his name without comment.

An Officer entered the room with a small cart full of numerous appetizers along with some fancy wines and liquor spirits. Apparently, someone had decided to hold a small party to celebrate the feat. 'I assume you were behind this?'

"Yes. Although the cook had already started before I expanded his list somewhat."

The alcohol being served was the really expensive stuff that these men had likely only had once or twice in their lifetime. I hadn't even been aware that we had stuff this fancy on the ship. The six representatives were already testing out some of the new appetizers that had appeared. If they were half as good as the earlier ones, then I knew the leaders would be impressed.

It was rather interesting to watch the two groups slowly mingle. I circulated through the small crowd as well, speaking with those who wanted to talk. Some had been reluctant to sign the agreement since it wasn't more beneficial to them than to the other planet, but they were wise enough to remain silent. All were enjoying the drink and food, including myself.

I sampled a different appetizer and found it to be as delicious as the rest had been. There was no way I was going to drink more than one glass of whatever distilled spirit I had taken. One taste told me that this smooth drink packed one hell of a punch, and I didn't want to end up with a splitting headache.

Normally, strong alcohol had a bite to it, but the really expensive stuff easily slid down the throat. I was doing a lot of nibbling in hopes of cushioning the alcohol. Why did they have to use such big glasses? There was a lot of liquid in there...

The rather potent drinks were having a much more noticeable effect on the others and several were already slightly drunk. Talk and laughter were coming more readily and it was progressively getting louder as more of the alcoholic drinks disappeared. It was a very good thing that their shuttles had auto-pilot; otherwise, they wouldn't have been fit to fly at this point.

It seemed to take far too long for the appetizers to disappear and the impromptu party to settle down. I decided to end things while everyone could still stand and addressed the crowd, "Congratulations to both Folkar and Jarco for this ground-breaking negotiation! I look forward to seeing how well it is implemented the next time I pass through this area. I know that others on your planet are eager to hear the outcome. Please allow me to escort you to your shuttles."

It was a subtle reminder that I would be back if they decided to ignore the agreement. I guided the somewhat staggering group to the Cargo Bays that held their shuttles. Some people were steady on their feet, but they were a minority. It surprised me that they had gotten so drunk at an event like this. Admittedly, most of my experience with alcohol had been earned the hard way...

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