Chapter 2

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Y/n pov

Our fight ended in me winning the match Obi got up from the floor since during the match it became hand to hand combat and I won by pinning him down. He smirked at me," Good job miss you actually beat me that was a good match!"

I smiled," Thank you for the match as well!" I had fun but had to hold back but I failed doing that and went all out. Zen walked up to me Kagome with him she said," That was a great job Y/N!" Zen nodded," Yeah good job! Do you think you can teach me of your tricks?"

I smirked at Kagome she looked at me confused I answered," I won't but I'm sure Kagome will!" Zen looked at her," Kagome can?" I nodded I noticed her suprised face I smiled and to her," Right Kagome?" She answered suprised again," Y-yeah!" I guess I caught her off guard.


I went the library with Yurio, Miyuki, and Shirayuki. She was happy to come when I invited her to come with us Kagome is probably still with Zen, Rona, and Eugena poor thing at least Raji gets a brake from them... maybe.

I was reading one of my old books I wrote long time ago. I noticed Shirayuki holding a familiar book I final recognized the book it was one of the books I wrote. Shirayuki then walked to me then said," I final found you!" I looked at her confused," You were looking for me?"

She nodded," Yeah but, I guess I didn't call out since we are in a library so of course you didn't know." I smiled," So what you need Shirayuki?" She smiled at me and asked," I was wondering if I can borrow any of your books?" My eyes widened and then looked worried and said," Am I not allowed too?"

I shook my head," N-no I didn't say that of course you can!" Shirayuki then smiled," Really?! Great!" I sighed I then got up from my chair went to desk she followed. I sat in the chair behind the desk I said," Shirayuki you need the books you want to take here she nodded and ran off quick and came back with two one on the plants and herbs that grow here the other that suprised me was a book three to one of the series I wrote.

I finally notice the book she was holding before was book two which means she read the first book already. I smiled and ask," How was the first book?" She smiled," It was really good I can't wait to read the other books!" Yurio walked over," Hey Shirayuki! What are you doing?" She answered," I'm borrowing these books so I read them later when I have time." He looked through the books landed on the last book and said," You know that that book is the last in the series until a current author gets writing." I smirk at him and glare," Oh really are sure about that?"

He looked at me confused my smirk grew Shirayuki said," There was a book 4 when I looked?" His eyes widened and yelled," WHAT!?" He ran off to probably go get it I laughed at Yurio Shirayuki looked confused I smile calming down," He's been waiting for that book to come out for a while so he wants to go get it as fast as possible." She nodded slowly in understanding she then smiled taking the books," Thanks Y/n for the books!" I said to her serious," Your welcome, also you better return those books understood." She nodded with a nervous face," U-Understood Y/n!" I nodded," Good then see you Shirayuki have a good sleep!" She smiled and bowed," Thank you same to you Y/n!" She then walked out to most likely go to her room I sighed and went to go get Yurio so we can get ready.


We were all ready to capture Shirayuki I now this for the best so we can hide her and explain to her. Yurio will come with me to get Shirayuki and for if we have company because we can't wait or they will come and take her. Kagome and Miyuki are going to help with the escape I looked at Yurio who nodded telling me he's ready I nodded back and gave the signal that it's go time. We jumped down onto her balcony quietly I sensed two people ,'Great just great oh well.' We went in to see Shirayuki and... Obi. I sighed,' This is great now I'm going to feel worse about this.' Yurio nodded and charged at Obi they starting to fight I quickly grab Shirayuki and put a gag on her while she tried to fight back Obi tried to get her but Yurio stopped him and they continued the fight.

I had tied her up I put a used that stuff to put her to sleep now Yurio just has beat Obi then Yurio knocked him when Obi had looked at Me and Shirayuki. I sighed feeling bad then said," Let's go before someone finds out she's has been taken. I froze so did Yurio we looked at the door two people were on the other side we could sense them. They opened the door I heard Eugena speak," Rona we shouldn't open the door!" Rona spoke coming in," They must be-" She froze I don't know what she was doing we had quickly hide so they didn't see us but they saw a passed out Obi and no Shirayuki there going to go tell everyone this isn't good Yurio muttered," This just great." I muttered back," Yup." We quickly bolted out of there when they left we met with Kagome and Miyuki and left Miyuki asked," How it go?" I answered with sarcasm laced in my voice," It went great Miyuki just beautiful." She answered," Okay it went bad then." Yurio and I nodded she sighed Kagome said," At least it went better then the Meniko mission we all groaned  in response to that. That mission were all were not on the best terms and it just went bad.


We had run for a while but we finally got to our secret base we went in Yurio put Shirayuki down gently and sat down next to her and said," Time for sleep guys!" We all nodded and got comfortable and went to sleep for the night.

Me: Hi friends! I wonder who's after Shirayuki? Find out in the next chapter!

Miyuki: Bye Aurora see you later!

Me: Huh? What do you mean I'm not leaving yet?

Miyuki: Really? You may change your mind.

Miyuki pointed behind Aurora

Aurora turns to see an angry Zen

Zen: (angry) Aurora!

Me: (nervous) Oh your right Miyuki I got to go so.... Bye!

Aurora run for it while Zen chased after her

Kagome: She signed up for that probably scaring Zen with all of us just gone except Mitsuki.

Miyuki: True.

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