[Chapter04]- Ticket to Oslo

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William- 1 month after Noora Left

"What are you gonna do for Easter break," Chris asks. He stayed here in London for a while and he's actually behaved himself. "I'm going to Oslo" I reply he sits up in his chair and clears his throat "Y-you what?" Chris says shocked almost choking on his food "I'm going back to Oslo to see Noora" William replied sternly "Do you think that's a good Idea? I thought you were meant to be letting her breathe?" William looks at Chris with a cold expression on his face "You don't think a month without her hasn't been absolute hell?" Although William didn't mention her as much anymore it doesn't mean he thinks about her less he just prefers not to start conversations about her.

Later that night

"He's going hes coming to Oslo" chris says informing Eva about the new arrangements "What no he can't they need time apart for abit she's just started being...happier again" chris pinches the bridge of his nose frustrated with the situation "Okay i'll travel to Oslo with him and I'll call you when we land so you can take Noora out somewhere before we get there" Chris says devising a plan to keep Noora and William apart "Send me your Arrival time cause I know if you text me when you land I won't have enough time to get her out I know he will come straight to her apartment" Eva reminds Chris how motovated William is "Great we'll be there tomorrow night" Eva gasp over the phone "What? Tomorrow? How am I meant to convince her to get out of the house" Chris laughs "You'll figure it out" is all he says before hanging up the phone.

"Welcome to Oslo enjoy your stay" the flight attendant sounds over the intercom. "Chris gets up," William says slapping the side of his best friends face "What we're here already? It's only 6 we were meant to land at 7?" He says confused since he told Eva they would be landing at 7 "No we're landing back in London on Monday at 7" Chris's eyes winden realising his mistake he searches around for his phone to call Eva and let her know what happened he feels it in his pants pocket and quickly slides it out "Fuck its dead" he hits the back of the seat in the plane which was now empty "C'mon we can charge it at the hotel after we stop at Nooras" William says walking out of the plane with Chris following behind.

"Chris hurry up" William calls as he practically sprints to Nooras apartment "Yeah ju-just slow down," Chris says pretending to be out of breath to stall William.

They finally reach Nooras apartment. Now the only thing standing between Noora and William was a doorbell, A door, and a set of stairs. William takes a  deep breath before pressing the bell "Hello" a female voice answers making William jump but his excitement lowers when he realizes its the voice of her roommate "Hello?" The voice repeats William clears his throat before answering "I-is Noora home?" He asks shyly "No, who's this?" She asks "Are you sure she's not home?" He says not believing he came all this way and still missed her "Yeah she's gone out with some friends" is all she replied, "Do you know where to?" William asks "Um.? I don't think I can tell you" she says having no Idea it was William on the other side of the speaker "Okay" is all William says before walking off "Where are you going?" Chris calls after William "To the hotel, we'll come back later" he says still walking away.

Left Me In London Pt. 1/3 (Noora x William Skam)Where stories live. Discover now