[Chapter 03] - Let her breathe

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William - 2 weeks after Noora left

"You just need to let her breathe," George one of Williams work colleague says adding his 5 cents.

William had no Idea what to do about Noora so him, Chris, and his new friend George had all assembled at a bar in London which was common for William and George but Chris was only there because he actually understood the situation.

"Remember the last time you wanted her you chased her and that worked why dont you do that again" chris says without a care in the world tossing one of the salty bar peanuts into his his mouth and dusting the little salt pieces off of his finger tips "No what I think you should do is wait for her to contact you let her  breathe and live a little let her finish off her last years alone" George says taking a swig of his English beer "Ahhh or that I like your thinking" Chris says clicking his finger towards George where as William sat there thinking of Noora and what she was doing right now "C'mon we are going to find you someone better someone whos, not Noora Sæter" Chris says hinting at a weekend trip with probably naked girls and loads of alchol but William knew better he knew no one would compare to his Noora "Bartender another bourbon" William orders trying to num the thoughts of Noora he has swelled in his mind.

"Okay lets get you home" Chris says with a drunken William hanging off his shoulder walking out of the bar which was now closing "I-is Noora going to be at home" he asks his words said without any thought put into them "No William its just us" Chris reminds his best friend "Bu-But I want Noora" William moans. Even though he was wasted his mind was still focused on Noora "Nooras busy c'mon up the stairs" Chris says slowly taking Willian up the stairs being very gentle and careful as he's always been with William who was like a brother to him.

"There we go," Chris says leaving William to sleep while he goes to make his bed in the guest bedroom.

Chris pulls out his phone and Dials Eva because of the 1 hour time difference it was around three in the morning in Oslo

Dialing Eva...

"Hello?" Evas sleepy voice sounds from the other end of the phone "Eva its Chris" Chris replied "Yes I know what is it? I was in the middle of sleeping" her voice laced with anger "Just checking to see how Noora is" he knew Noora was in Oslo they had spent the Christmas break together before he left to meet William in London "S-she well shes a mess shes been listening to Justin Bieber non stop and acts as though shes fine when we can see shes clearly not" she sighs "Williams not any better hes always drunk and even when hes drunk hes still thinking of her" chris now sighs this time "Why cant they just make up already" Eva says in pity of her friend "Because you and I both know how stubborn and hard headed each of them are especially Noora" Chris replies being completely honest Noora would never be able to face William till shes ready but William is too selfish to stay away from her "I think they just need time apart thats whats best for them and everyone right now..." Eva says before falling asleep on the phone causing Chris to laugh "Goodnight Eva" he whispers before hanging up the phone.

Left Me In London Pt. 1/3 (Noora x William Skam)Where stories live. Discover now