Chapter 1

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*Groff's POV*

I turned to my friend, Alex Lacamoire, who was cleaning the keys of his piano, "Wasn't that piano tuner guy supposed to be here like ten minutes ago?"

"Yeah, man. Maybe he got lost. Or he might have tripped over a fire hydrant, landed on top of a poodle and broke his left femur like the last guy did," Alex replied, still meticulously wiping the keys.

"I'm gonna go outside and wait. See if I can spot this dude. They did send a picture of him right," I questioned. Alex stopped moving the paper towel over the keys. He pulled out his phone and after a couple of seconds showed me a picture of a dude. He said something to me but I wasn't paying attention. The dude was hot. He was looking away from the photographer at something else, but I could tell that his eyes were dark brown. Also, he had dark brown hair pulled back into a man bun and any guy that has a man bun is automatically twenty times hotter in my book.

What really intrigued me about this man wasn't that he was hot, it was what he was holding. A Hamilton. A crisp ten dollar bill was in his hand and it looked like he was posing like Hamilton on the bill. When he sent us that picture did he realise that I was working on a musical about Hamilton or was it just coincidence. Probably just coincidence. He's probably straighter that a ruler while I'm as gay as you can be. Also, judging by looks, he is way out of my league.

"Groff. GROFF! JONATHAN GROFF!" I snapped back to reality. "Were you listening to a word I said? You've been staring at that picture for like two minutes now. Go look for him, man." Alex was giving me a strange look and I realised I had been tuning him out. I felt a blush creep up as I handed him his phone back. I turned to the door and walked outside to look for this hot dude with the ten dollar bill.

A/N Sorry this is so short, tell me if you like where this is headed. Some things you need to know:
1. This is set in an alternate universe where Hamilton was written by Groff.
2. Vanessa and Lin are cousins who happen to be best friends as well.
3. Vanessa will NOT be a bad guy. I've read a lot of fanfics with Grofflin or Lippa where she is the bad guy who divorces Lin or she died and I personally don't think that she deserves that. She is a great person who deserves a good character. (Ok ending the rant. Please don't hate for this decision.)
4. I am starting school soon and I won't be able to update as frequently or a regularly so please be patient.

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