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**percy POV**

"Annabeth, what are you doing?"

She gasped and turned around, startled by my voice. She was standing next to the window at the very back of Zeus's cabin. Her face was red from embarrassment.

"Nothing! I was just passing by and I heard some voices. No one is ever really in here, not even Jason, so I just wanted to check it out."

I pursed my lips. "You could've knocked on the door."

"Yea, I could've! You know what? I've gotta go study Percy. I love you." She pressed her lips on mine before she ran to Athena's cabin and slammed the door.

Why was she so jumpy?" I walked to the front and knocked on the front door. "Yo, Jason open up!"

The door swung open but it wasn't Jason in the door frame. It was Nico.

"Hey Percy." He said shyly. "What's up?"

I felt anger building in my stomach. Annabeth had been peeping in because he was in here. What the hell was her deal?

"You need to stay away from my girlfriend." I snarled, as viciously as my voice could muster up. "If I see you and Annabeth together, I will hurt you."

"Percy? I don't like Annabeth." He said.

"Of course you do!" I snarled. "That's why you hate me! That and Bianca but... Nico! The point is I know that you like her and I swear to the gods, if you steal her-"

"I won't be stealing anyone because she's not my type." He casually leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms.

His hair was now covering his eyes and his sarcastic smile escaped from his lips.

"Yeah sure!"

"I'm serious Percy, I don't want you girlfriend."

I stared at him before turning angrily on my heel. I stomped on the grass as hard as I could, until I tripped. I fell face first and looked back at the skeleton hand holding my foot.

Nico didn't laugh or look the slightest bit amused. He just shut the door of the cabin while I shook the dirt off my shirt.

"What the hell Percy?" Annabeth shouted. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Percy, what was that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Why did you say that stuff to Nico?"

"Because I wanted him to make it clear that-"

"Percy! I am not in your control and neither is he! To can't just demand that we listen to you,"

"Annabeth, I'm sorry but...but I just don't understand why you're so...interested in him lately."

She huffed and crossed her arms. "Because he...he wasn't attractive when he was sad and emo all the time, but...now he smiles. Now he is full of life. Percy, that's attractive. He was always handsome but... The point is Percy Jackson you don't control me and him! and if you're not okay with that, maybe we should split."

There was bitter silence in the air between us. "Split?" I asked. "You mean, break up?"

She nodded. "Look, I'm sorry it is ending like this but...our relationship just isn't the same Percy." At least she was acting sad. "But I hope we can be friends. I would really like that."

She's breaking up with you! For him! For Nico! Oh gods...the pain... I balled my hand up at my side. "We can't." I said, fighting back tears. "We can't be friends..."

Saving Him **Soldatino Sequel**Where stories live. Discover now