Chapter 7: Girmoure

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(Ricky P. O. V.)

After that accident with Mayu and the other, they suddenly went silent and ignore us. Good grief. A peace and quiet for once. Right now, we are now in the study hall for our theory class with the second class.

Shiroukaze: Welcome class to you first theory class. Before we begin, let me explain what are you going to learn in this class.

Shiroukaze: In this class, you will learn to master your spell from your girmoure or learn spell that suitable for your magic.

Girl: What's a girmoure?

Shiroukaze: Great questions, for some who don't know. A girmoure is a tool for storing you spell. Is like your second brain. It will automatically open the page of your spell.

Students: *nodded*

Shiroukaze: A girmoure is like you own life. If you died, the girmoure will disappear and choose another person that competent it spell. Since you are new in magic, we will bring to the library of girmoure for the chosen ceremony

Shiroukaze: Let me show an example of a girmoure.

Mr. Shiroukaze snap his finger and a book appear in front of him.

Shiroukaze: *show the book* this is a girmoure.

Students: Woah. *amazed*

Shiroukaze: The girmoure is divide into three type. A new girmoure is a girmoure that haven't used by anyone in the past. A generation girmoure is a girmoure that had been pass down by the family member from the past. And lastly, the forbidden girmoure is a girmoure that only choose a candidate that has the same quality as the original user. This one is kinda picky when choosing a user and all kind of lost spell was writing in there.

Shiroukaze: *look at his students* Are there any questions?

Students: No sir.

Shiroukaze: Now please follow me for the girmoure selection.

We stand up and follow our teacher to the underground basement where the library is located. When we arrive, we saw a lot of book.

Shiroukaze: Okay, one by one stand on this platform. The platform will scan your magic and a girmoure will be given to you. Since we have five platform, five students will do it one at a time.

We line up and one by one students get a girmoure. Some get new girmoure and some get an old girmoure that must have been used by their previous generations. But so far no forbidden girmoure had been selected.

I then saw Kamon get on the platform and a book from the top shelf flying towards him. The book is red with orange with Garuburn emblem charge as it's cover.

Kamon: Cool *hold the book*

Bakuga up next. Just like Kamon, a book from the top shelf flying towards him. The book is white with yellow thunder design and has Raydra emblem charge at is cover.

And it's happen the same with Novu, Basara and Genta. Novu's girmoure is also red but the flame design is blue and has Dragen emblem charge. Basara's girmoure is black with light purple design and Drazeros emblem charge. While Genta's girmoure is dark purple with white design and like the other, it has tankshell emblem at the front cover.

Next was Sora turn. Sora's girmoure is white with red design and surprisingly the cover has the Shigami clan crest. And kinda curious who has the previous owner of the girmoure since Sora's mother was a wizard.

Sakura: Ricky, you up.

Ricky: Oh sorry. Kinda distracted.

I get up to the platform and a book from a room flying rapidly to me. The book is Azure blue with white design and like I expected the Aquafilia crest is printed as the cover. Must been Kakeru Aquafilia girmoure I got.

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