Chapter 14 - The Danger

Start from the beginning

Rose: "Huh? What is it?"

Hawk got out of his bed and said.

Hawk: "I would be leaving for another royal meeting so I told Travis to stay with you for the whole day."

Rose: "What about Ling Ling?"

Hawk: "She will be with me."

Rose then folded her arms.

Rose: "And also, why do I need protection? I can take care of myself."

Hawk: "Well, I am not going to be around so I need someone to look after you."

Rose: "Fine."

Rose headed for the door.

Rose: "So, see you later?"

Hawk nodded his head in agreement. Rose warmly smiled and exited the room.

As she closed the door behind her, someone suddenly exclaimed.

???: "Rose?!"

Shocked, Rose turned to the owner of the voice.

Rose: "Harmony? W-What are you doing here..."

Harmony stood there, holding a tray of food. I guess she planned on giving Hawk his breakfast.

Harmony: "We need to talk."

<In the Herbalist's room...>

Harmony: "Are you guys dating or something?!"

Sweat started to form on Rose's forehead.

Rose: "N-No! I don't know...but! It's not what it looks like!"

Harmony: "Oh really? Then, why did I see you coming out of Hawk's room and in a really....crumpled uniform."

Harmony pointed at Rose's uniform.

Rose: "W-Well...."

Rose sighed.

Rose: "We kinda did sleep on the same bed last night...."

Harmony: "WHAT??!"

Rose covered her mouth.

Rose: "Keep it down! This is suppose to be a secret!"

Harmony removed Rose's hand and widely smiled.

Harmony: "I knew it! Both of you have feelings for each other!"

Rose's cheeks were dyed red again.

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