17 | Sleeping with some girl

Start from the beginning

It's not even that serious.

End of that long night

Jennie's POV
*ding* my phone goes off, "What is it now?"

It better be notifications for Deans concert tickets.

"It's not, fuck you!" "I need my glasses! I can't see!" Scanning the room with my horrible eye sight and hoping to see my glasses. "Found it!" I yelled in excitement.

It was Taehyung, "Missed call."

Wait. He called me?

Phone conversation
~ "Hello?" He said into the phone.
~ "You didn't buy my ice cream like your promised me." I whined.
~ "And I didn't report you for smearing ice cream on me." He answers back

He thinks he's tough huh? We'll see who's the tougher one.

~ "I blamed the whole bruising thing on you." I lied.
~ "What! Tell them it's false! My dad! My dad, he needs this company." He shouted onto the phone.

Should I tell him or keep it going? Let's keep it going.

~ "Jennie tell them right now it's false!" He shouts once again.

Ow! My ears.

It was quiet for a while....

"Honey, what is Taehyung talking about?" My mom busted into my door.

He did not..

"About what?" (Pretending to play dumb)

"About the incident yesterday and it's not is fault." My mom answered.

"Mom. Mom give me the phone."

~ "You legit called my mom to tattletale on me?" I asked kind of disappointed.
~ "What do you mean? I had to tell her the truth! You can't play with me like that!" He still thinks that it's real.
~ "It's fake you dummy." I laughed.
~ "Thats not funny, I told you not to mess around with my dad like that. Not cool." He answers.
~ "Oh O, my Mr. Nasty is mad." (In a baby voice)
~ "Bye."
~ "Wait! (I shouted into the phone) let me make it up to you. Where are you?" I asked.
~ "Bye." He ended the call.

End of phone conversation

Does he really think I'll give up that easily? Who can I call? (Hitting my phone on my lap)

Something rang in my head, "Jungkook"

"Hey if Taehyung mess up and you have nobody to lean on, call me." - Jk

He takes my phone and types in his digits.

I faked a smile, "Thanks," I snatched back my phone.

"Delete." I said in front of him.

"Feisty huh?" He said bitting his lips.

"Shut the fuck up huh?" I said back.

End of flashback

I can pull his number out of the trash right? Please let this work! (I prayed)

I clicked trash and pulled out his phone number, "Thank you, lord Jesus!"

I clicked the phone number, "Hurry and pick up the phone you retard!" (Getting impatient)

"Hello?" A voice was heard.

"Is this Jungkook?" I asked politely.

"And this is?" He confusedly asked.

"Do you know where Taehyung is?" I skipped the his question.

"Um-- may I ask who this is?" He asked

Wow. He sounded more politely then he actually is.

"It's me! His wife! Jennie!" I screamed.

"How do I know this is not just a crazy fan?" He questioned me.

"Stfu, remember I deleted your number after you took my phone and type your digits in?" I said trying make him think.

"It really is you!" He said.

"Now, where is Taehyung?" I asked.

"Sleeping with some girl at his parents house." He answered.


"Say it again?" I said.

"He's sleeping with some girl." He Cooly answers.

"And your not lying because?" I asked.

"He just sent me a picture with him and the girl. Do you want to see it?" He asked.

"If your his friend, why are you telling me his secret?" I asked trying to clam my nerves.

"Because he pissed me off this morning, with his ugly attitude." He explained.

"Oh." I became speechless.

"What was it about?" I asked.

"He said it was some girl he thought was different but turns out--"

I ended the call, "So this son of a bitch wants to cheat on me because of what happen this morning?" "Really? How childish was this?"

"At his parents house huh?" "Bet? Bet? Imma make him regret cheating on me with his fucking side bitch." I said squeezing my phone.

End of chapter 17
- that went downhill quick!
- I just wanted to add some spice to the story, y'all feel me?
- hope your enjoying what your reading.
- updating streak (2) let's see if I can keep it up!

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