Chapter 2

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You snapped your fingers and changed your clothes into a white body suit with sleeves with patterns on them (pic above) with a royal blue cloak on top of it.

You put your hood over your head

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You put your hood over your head.

The only thing you can see is your mouth and your vibrant royal blue eyes.

You teleport to the strongest connection which was where the whole Justice League stood along with Robin.

"Who are you?" Superman asked looking at you weirdly.

You morph your voice to keep your identity a secret, "I'm a nobody, but I'm here to help."

The League looks at you funny.

"What the hell happened?" You ask looking around, seeing that there was an explosion.

"I took care of the problem, and who are you?" You hear someone say from behind you.

You turn around and face them, realizing it was Robin, Damian Wayne, that caused the explosion.

You morphed your voice even more, "Thats one way to do it, but what happened to the evil man was a mistake." The League looked at you.

"You seem to know some things, talk," Batman said walking towards you.

You stood still and looked at him, while he tried to look past your hood and figure out who you were.

"It was meant for one of you, not that... guy," you say waving your hand towards the League and look at them. "

And how do we know you didn't cause this?" Superman asked coming and standing beside Batman.

"Because unlike the power just shown, mine is different but the same in most ways," you say sticking your hand out towards a broken car.

You concentrate on what you want to do with it. Your eyes turn an even brighter royal blue as your body is outlined with the same hue.

You use your powers, like Ravens, and figure out what you wanted to do, crush the car. The only difference that you and your sister had was that her power was black, and yours was white.

So you make 4 big white spears and stab them into the car with ease. The Justice League steps away from you.

"Not to worry, I'm on your side. But one of you is in danger, most possibly the strongest member of the league," you say and look at Superman. He crosses his arms and looks down.

"Honestly, all of you are in danger. Not by me, but by-," you say but then feel the presence of Trigon again and feel light headed.

You stumble back a bit and hold your head, Superman floats behind and and balances you. You gave him a half-hearted smile, then gained your balance again.

"So why should we trust you?" Robin asks somewhat walking towards you.

You were a little happy they didn't mention your sentence that was cut off by your fathers presence.

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