Chapter 18

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After Renn—Avila's falcon whom she introduced to us—made her sudden appearance, the three of us finally set off for the Jackdaw. We were again joined by the Grand Master once we had stepped out of the tunnel network of caves, who was now trailing behind with James and I, engaged in a hushed conversation. Meanwhile, Avila marched ahead, with that bird still perched quite completely upon her arm. I was rather impressed to see her arm hadn't faltered from the fatigue of holding such a creature up for so long.

"Both you need to understand why she is so important." The Grand Master's hoarse whisper brought my attention back to our discussion.

"Important?" Kidd spluttered indignantly, earning a fierce shushing motion from the old assassin. He then lowered his voice. "'Ow the bloody 'ell is that wench important?" "Because she is the person we have been looking for, for a long time now." James snorted.

"Well unless Mr. Charles Arkwright has some'ow managed t' switch his own gender—"

"James Kidd, that woman there is the Seeker." Jonathan deadpanned.

"Righty-o then. So she's a seeker. Ain't that jus' smashin'. But what the 'ell does tha' mean fer us?"

"You mistake me, James Kidd, she is not a Seeker."

"But ye jus' said—"

"She is the Seeker"

"But...Wait, what does that mean fer us? Fer th' Brotherhood?" Kidd inquired.

"It means she can help us find Arkwright and other powerful Templar figures. And perhaps she could even help us bring them down once and for all." I answered, after putting the pieces together. I'd already done a fair bit of research on this Seeker and what they were capable of. Avila seemed to fit most of the criteria quite perfectly. Jonathan nodded.

"Edward Kenway is correct James, so I suggest you put aside your quest for vengeance and try to look at the bigger picture."

"And yer sure o' this? I know it ain't a common occurrence but it's impossible to—"

"James, shut up." Avila hissed suddenly, no longer moving.

"OI, don't you go—"

"I said shut up! Just shut your trap and listen." James Kidd closed his mouth and whispered through clenched teeth lividly. "What. Is. It?" Avila didn't say anything for a while. Her eyes were staring at the ground but I could see she was listening out for something by the way she turned her head this way and that. A few minutes of silence passed, save for the usual medley of jungle wildlife activity, and then the lass furrowed her brow.

"Can you hear that?" She whispered

"Hear what? The birds calling? The waves crashing? Monkeys chattering? Yer gonna 'ave t' be a lot more specific lass." Kidd retorted, voicing my exact thoughts. What the hell was it she could that the rest of us couldn't?

"There it is again. Only..." Avila trailed off. Kidd and I continued to watch in confusion as she gently raised her arm, sending the falcon into the air.

"Honestly, ye must be hearing things 'cos I sure as 'ell can't, HEY! Where do ye think yer goin'!" Kidd cried out, but he was too slow. Avila had bolted and disappeared around the corner into the dense foliage.

"Shit." I cursed. "C'mon Kidd, let's go find the crazy bloody woman." He scoffed. "Like 'ell. She can die out there for all I care, after what she did." I sighed. There was no time or point in arguing at the moment. So I just nodded my farewell to the Grand Master, I turned and sprinted off in the direction our dark-haired lass had. She wasn't that hard to trace, not with my Eagle Vision. Plus, the trampled fern fronds and prominent footprints were a dead giveaway.

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