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Dedicated to @LysiLuv

her look-a-like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


" Mommy tell me the story about how you and dad met." Lilly my beautiful daughter asked me while I was putting her to bed.

" Okay, It all started the day I was on a plane coming home from vacation."


" Sweetheart your ticket says 2B that's is right up there." Mom told me as she sat beside dad.

" Okay." I said as I walked up to my seat. As I sat down I got out my iPod and started playing Stand Up by One Direction when someone sits down beside me, so being nice I turn to say hello and stopped because right beside me was the Niall Horan.

" Well hello." He said when he noticed me looking.

" Um hi."

" Whats your name?"

" Alyssa Newman but you can call me Lysi." I smile at him.

" Well Lysi what are you listing to?"

" Um Stand Up." I said

" that's a nice song." Said a familiar curly haired boy from beside Niall.

" Well it should be, its by us." Said another boy in front of us leaning over the back the seat.

" Louis you what Liam will say if he sees you like that." Zayn said  doing the same thing while I'm laughing so hard.

" Louis! Zayn! Sit down." Snapped Liam as he walked over to his seat.

" Yes daddy!" they both said as they turned around.

" So Lysi are you coming the the concert tonight?" Harry asked me.

" Yea."

" Awesome hopefully we will see you." Niall said with a smile.

" Oh you will."

" Will we now?" Harry asked.

" Yea I'm going to the meet and greet."

"Awesome." Harry said then turned to his phone.

" Niall want ti listen to my iPod with me?" I asked.

" Sure."

We spent to whole plane ride listening to music and then I fell asleep.

" We need to wake them." I heard someone say.

" But they look so cute!" Whined another.

" Well take a picture and wake them up, we are landing soon." Said the first one agian.

" Okay." Then I heard a click.

" Wake up Niall and Lysi!"

As I opened my eyes I notice my head was on Niall's shoulder and his head was on top of mine.

" ugh what time is it?" Niall asked them.

" 12:00 and we are landing." Liam told him as he turned back around.

When we got off the plane Niall told me bye and said he has a surprise for me tonight. Um okay?

About five hours late me and my best friend Dasie were in line to enter the meet and greet.

thousands of fans later we were five people away from they boys and Dasie was getting excited.

" Clam down!" I told her.

" Okay I'm calm." She said back by this time we were at the table.

" Here plane buddy!" Louis said as he signed my CD.

" hey!"

"Hey Lysi!" Harry said next.

" Hiya!"

" Well hello Alyssa!" Liam said as he hugged me.

" Hey Liam."

" Lysi you left this in your seat on the plane." Zayn said as he handed me my iPod.

" Thanks."

" Lysi nice surprise!" Niall said as he hugged me.

" Well hello too." I laughed.

" Yea just wait I got a surprise for you!" He yelled as I got ushered off.

About two hours later we were in the arena waiting for them to come on.

" you didn't tell me that you were on a plane with them!" Dasie yelled.

" you didn't ask!" I yelled back as the boy came and the screams got louder.

Being in the front roll and all It is a amazing site.

The last song is when the surprise happened.

" This next song I would like to dedicate to Alyssa Newman!" Niall yelled as he stood in front of me. and they started singing What Makes You Beautiful.

When they were done he held his hand out to me and said give me your phone so I handed him it. When he gave it back I seen he had put his number it.

When we got back to my house Dasie passed out and I was about to fall asleep when Niall texted me.

would you like to hang out tomorrow?


* end of flashback*

When I was done telling her she was fast asleep.

" You told her how we met again didn't you?" Niall asked from the doorway.

" Yes I did." And I kissed him.


Hope you like:)

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