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Dedicated to @ImADirectionerBabe it's been a long wait sorry!

" Attention all library visitors, the library will be closing in an hour." I heard over the speakers in the public library. I sighed, I've been here for an hour and still haven't fount the book I came in here for.

" Excuse me." I heard a soft voice say and I lifted my head up to see who had spoke, to my surprise I came face to face with Louis Tomlinson.

" I'm sorry am I in your way?" I asked.

" Oh no I was just wondering if you know where I can find the Harry Potter books?" He asked.

" Um yea here I take you to them." I said and started to walk away.

" Thank you." He said once we had gotten to the books. " And I haven't gotten your name, I'm sorry, you are?"

" Oh I'm Carrie Jordan." I told him and and walked away. I wondered around the library for awhile completely loosing track of time.

" Carrie I think we are locked in." Louis said snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at him worried.

" What?" I asked.

" Well the doors are locked and I can't unlock them so we are locked in." He said.

" God." I groaned. Great just great.

" Want to play Hide in go seek?" He asked an hour later.

" Uh sure."

After we played for three hours I could feel my self getting sleepy. " Louis I think I'm going to go to sleep now." I told him and laid down on the floor using my backpack as a pillow.

" Alrighty, so am I." He said and I fell asleep.

" What are you two doing here!" I heard someone yell." I woke up and seen that it was the librarian.

" I'm sorry we were here last night and got locked in." I said and nudge Louis awake.

" Well just go home." She said and walked away.

" Carrie if it's not to much to asked can I have your number?" Louis asked once we got outside. I smile and told him my number and walked home.

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