Chapter 6-A Sad Secret

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"What do you have to tell me?" Fly stepped forward, her eyes curious, afraid.

"I'm the reason that... That you have no parents..." She stepped back, almost stumbling.

"What...? I don't... I don't understand, why? What...?"

I took a deep breath, and floated to the ground. "Your mother, she was an accident..."

"You mean you murdered my father?!"

I continued on. "As I said, I didn't mean to kill your mother. I gave you more power, had I not, you would only have been Goddess of Earth. As for your father, well... He, he was... On to you. I, well, I have reason to believe that he was beginning to notice your powers. I had to remove him, before he could hurt you. But trust me, he had a quick, nearly painless death."

"Oh, and that just makes up for it then! Do you really think that would make up for it?! You're talking about him as if he was nothing more than a toy for you to play with! He was my father, he would never hurt me! Don't you get that?! And as for my mother, oh, it's all well-and-good that she's dead because now I'm special and have more power than the others!!! I don't care what powers I would have had if it meant I had a mother! I would gratefully give up my extra power for a chance to bring my mum back. I don't care how powerful I am, it's not even that great! Doesn't make me feel any better, and I bet you're going to tell me that it doesn't even give me that much more power and that you sacrificed my mother's life for nothing."

"You're wrong, it does make you more powerful."

"Like I care!" Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "I hate you, you bi...!" The rest of the word was lost in a sob that wracked her whole body. She took a running swing at me, not even aiming, and she followed her fist, running across the floor, before collapsing in a bundle. The girls rushed over to her, but by the time they reached her, Fly was curled up beneath a dome of rock.

"Come out Fly, please." Ari knocked on the rock, the other two girls crowding around it. Inside, Fly was holding the necklace open, tearfully gazing at the photo.


"Fly," Ari again, "we've all been through bad things, but the three of us have never been through anything as bad as you. Now, when I got sad at school, my friends would follow me, give me a little bit of quiet time, then, when I was ready, they would sing Brave. One by one, we would all join in, so I want to sing it for you. I'll give you a minute, then I'll start singing. Is that okay?" There was a muffled 'yes' from inside the rocks, so for a moment, they all sat quietly, then Ari began to sing.

"You can be amazing, You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug, You can be the outcast, or be the backslash of somebody's lack of love. Or you can start speaking up" As Nam started to sing, two blue tears fell, one from each cheek, and hit the ground. As they did, they spread out, forming a huge pool around the girl.

"Nothing's gonna hurt you the way the words do, When they settle 'neath your skin, Kept on the inside and no sunlight, Sometimes a shadow wins But I wonder what would happen if you" Two drops of liquid fire hit the ground, spreading around Ana. She began to sing.

"Say what you wanna say, And let the words fall out, Honestly, I wanna see you be brave. With what you wanna say, And let the words fall out, Honestly, I wanna see you be brave." Bright green grass spread out from the mass of rock, and from inside, I could hear Fly beginning to sing. The rest of the song continued on with the four of them singing together, their voices harmonising beautifully. When the song ended, the rock parted and Fly climbed out. For a moment, the girls sat staring at each other, then they all hugged each other, tears streaming down their cheeks.

I held out my hands, and a tear and a hair from each girl flew towards me. They looked over to me, Fly's eyes filled with hate and loathing. I waved my hands, and the hairs flew through the matching coloured tears. The tears then changed shape, Ana's red one turning into an orange-red fire, Nam's blue one shifting into a drop of water, Ari's turned into a silver-grey swirling gust of air, Fly's turned into a bright green leaf. I then made the necklaces float over to the girls. One-by-one the girls out on the necklaces, until it was Fly's turn.

"I already have a necklace, thank you."

"Not like this one. These necklaces will allow you to communicate telepathically. And these will help you use your powers." I held out four bracelet-rings. They were made of one band of Element-ore, in the colour of the element they were supposed to be used with. I held up my hand, showing them my gold and white one. The bracelet was connected to the ring by a long piece of the soft ore.

She finally put it on. I then gave the girls their bracelet-ring. "I know these are called bracelet-rings, but they have another name. They are called Ringettes. Now, I need one of you to carry this." I held up a little gem, shaped like an orb.

"This will be my eyes and ears on your journey, so I will know what is going on. Who will take it?"

"I will." Fly stepped forward, taking the orb. She then pulled out her heart locket, put the orb against it, and gently pushed. When she took her hand away, the orb sat in the necklace.

"How did you...?"

"I just thought... I can control nature right? And these are natural objects, gold, silver and a gem. So I just, shifted the gold and silver, and it fitted in."

"Wow. You're doing very well, considering you only just found out about your powers." She glared at me.

"Don't think I've forgiven you."

"Okay. Now," I turned to the others as Fly rejoined the group. "Before we go, any questions?"

"Yeah," said Analaa, "you couldn't have called me Scarlet?" The group laughed the way only girls could laugh, before the cried out together "Let's go save the world!"

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