Chapter Sixteen: Avonlea Winter Bonfire

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quick note:
I've been reading the AOGG books and Gil calls Anne "Anne-girl" in the books and I found it adorable, so I put it in here too. lol Okay, happy reading!
Also, Blodi if you're reading this, that means you've successfully defeated  my lack of motivation hahaha!
(that's just fr a convo we had) anyway, heRE IT IS. EAT IT UP U ANIMALS.
jk luv u.

Ps. I made up the Joshua Budding character cause i cat think of anyone and cant be bothered to look up poets in the late 1800s

Dear Anne,

I'm writing this in response to your letter of confession; I guess I needn't write a confession myself for I've long since been admittedly, positively and wholeheartedly (and might I add very openly) adoring you right at the moment we met. And if the gods of the cosmos could take me anywhere back in time, I would ask them to take me back to that day you hit me with your slate too. Of course, that would've meant that I'd have to live through those three days my face painfully throbbed again (impressive hit by the way), but I won't mind because it also would have meant living through that very moment where I knew you were going to be someone special. And I know that that slate hit was a moment of pure rage for you, but to me, it was the moment where my initial interest in you grew more. Funny how one moment can mean different things.
From that day on, I vowed to make it my mission to befriend you. But with each passing day, each burst of rage or sly remark or time you've beat me in class, I adored you more and more. And you have no idea how happy I was that night you came to my house. It was the best Christmas present I could ever have hoped for (and believe me, I've hoped for it so long in prayers I'd best not mention)  I feel as though all future Christmases are spoiled because of this one that outshines everything in my life. You are the best benefactor of joy that I've ever known, so thank you, Miss I-take-advanced-English-reading. And I'm sorry I could not quite catch up with you since you're on English book IV, with all your fancy "thees" and "thous" and Shakespeare references and I'm just on English book V, with only the Brontë books and Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" to get me through.

But sure. You're totally ahead.

And Marilla was right. It's scarcely an exaggeration because I do worship the ground you walk on, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. I adore you more than words could express.

And no, I do not plan on being a missionary, so you do not have to worry yourself on being angelically good like a missionary's wife....being a doctor's wife would be much easier.
(Speaking of doctors, I'd really like to be one someday. Just a random thing I thought I'd let you know.)

I really, really, really, really, really like you, Anne-girl.
Every time I look at you, you're just this amazing, iridescent, fiery spirit. You're so full of life and love and I just don't understand how you can call yourself 'homely' and 'weird' when you are anything but.

So, I thought I'd let you know all the wonderful things about you that I've come to love so much (just so you could love them too)

1. Your red hair--it is the most extraordinary bunch of Titian tresses I have ever seen in my entire life and it genuinely looks fit to belong in expensive paintings.

2. Your freckles-- they're lovely and they enchant me.

3. Your smile--when you smile, you share to the world one of possibly the greatest blessings they could ever receive and it's infectious. You are an irresistible joy.

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